To live without food is the highest stage of development. Konstantin ropaev

Original taken from psmirnova Techniques for transitioning to a life without food

The Art of Survival

There are many ways to transition to a life without food. Exactly as many as there are people who have crossed over. But all this experience can be tried to generalize and lead to several options. They are listed below. Use this information as a general guide, because within each method individual scenarios are possible. Each of these methods deserves a description in a separate book.

1. Natural
2. Spiritual
3. Sudden
4. Power
5. 21 day process
6. Hypnotic
7. Alternative
8. Mindful eating
9. Attempts
10. Philosophical-intellectual
11. Sun eating
12. Alchemical
13. Your own

natural method
Actually, the name of this method speaks for itself. The purpose of this method is to bring food habits and patterns closer to the most natural option. Man, disciplining himself, gradually transforms his diet, bringing it into line with Nature. In other words, this method can be called "rational improvement."

A person, using this method, sharpens his eating habits, removing everything gross and unnatural, refining and lightening his diet. Ultimately, the only thing that a person eats is “high-frequency energy”. The next step is JBE.
So, first of all, the heaviest (hardly digested and carrying heavy information) foods are removed from the diet.

Fried, smoked, grilled meat, sausages, etc. Fried and boiled cereals, corn, potatoes, rice, etc. (chips, popcorn, pizza, pastries) are also to be removed.

The next step is to remove dairy products. Some argue that fermented milk products are a source of essential gut bacteria, but the fact is that avoiding these foods is beneficial to the body. There are many studies on this topic - if you want, you can find relevant information. However, if you are concerned about any kind of "bacterial environment of the intestine" (you believe that it is vital for you), then you can drink some cabbage juice or cucumber juice, previously peeled.

Further, everything sweet is discarded. Chocolate (and bitter too), sweets, sugary drinks, everything that contains sugar, honey, glucose, fructose, chemical sweeteners.
After removing all of the above, what remains are vegetables, fruits, some cereals (seeds), nuts, herbs, fish, eggs, and some meats and animal fats.

The next step is to stop cooking. At the very beginning, we stopped frying, smoking and grilling. Now, concepts such as boiling, steaming, stewing, and so on are gradually disappearing from life. The only method of any kind of food preparation for consumption is to wash and cut.

Take a look at Nature. Washing and cutting into pieces is the only thing that almost all living creatures on the planet do with food. Who else, besides humans, processes food differently before consumption?

It is known that cooked food has little to do with raw food. A boiled egg is a completely different product than a raw egg. It may look the same, but if you conduct a chemical analysis, it will become clear that this is a different substance. The kitchen is a miniature chemical plant, where natural chemical sets in products are processed into artificial ones (which are not observed in nature). And the person consumes this, the changed product.

Giving up cooking is a step towards reconnecting with Nature. Man is a part of Nature. As such, we cannot one hundred percent adapt to the artificially modified food that we produce in our kitchens. Returning to the consumption of only natural chemical sets in natural food (obtained directly from Nature) changes a person in an amazing way.
Moving forward means giving up cereals (wheat, rye, corn and the like), meat, fish (if you have not already given up on this at the raw food stage). That is, only raw vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts remain.

Most of the vegetables we consume today are the result of long selection work and genetic experiments. Some of the changes originate in ancient times. Vegetables, if not cultivated, will very soon undergo degeneration, savagery and extinction. Vegetables are the weak link in Nature. That's why we don't need them either.

So, only fruits and nuts remain, because these products are produced by Nature in a natural way, and do not need human support. It is they (and only they) who are the gift of Nature to man. There is only what Nature itself gives to man - it means to live in harmony with it.

One of the final steps on the path to a natural transition to JBE is the consumption of only fruit juices. Juices can be squeezed out, you can suck them out of the pulp of fruits. Purchased juices are best not to drink, because they are artificially produced liquids. Their taste, smell and appearance are significantly different from what Nature gives. Consuming these juices is a significant step backwards.

Further, squeezed juices should be diluted with water. More and more water, less and less juice - and after a while, only pure water will remain for you. You will drink water only according to the needs of your body, but this amount will also be reduced until the need for water also disappears altogether. For those who choose this method, the transition to RCW can take anywhere from a few months to several decades. The timing depends on many factors, but the main one is the level of spiritual development.

First important comment:
When you gradually refuse food, be careful not to "war against your own body." A fight necessarily ends with one side winning and the other losing, so if you fight with your body, it suffers.
For example, you cannot live without fried potatoes and eat three kilograms of them a week. In this case, you should not give up your favorite dish right away. Better start to be disciplined in food. Eat your own potatoes, but reduce the amount, for example, by 1% per week. For the body, this decrease will go unnoticed, the appetite will be satisfied, and thereby you will gradually reduce the consumption of potatoes to nothing.

But the body has a kind of memory for things that are pleasant to it. And then, one day, passing by the place where they cook your once beloved potatoes, you suddenly smell, and feel how saliva is secreted, hunger arises in the stomach, and you are unbearably hungry - no, not to eat - namely potatoes! Don't try to get over yourself. Give way. Eat some potatoes. Enjoy its taste, chew it for a long time. Otherwise, the thought of potatoes may haunt you, you will dream of potatoes at night, and as a result, you will not be able to think about anything other than your unsatisfied desire.

The body is quite adaptable. It may well adapt to your wishes if you introduce changes gradually, almost imperceptibly for it. Yes, this will take some time. Rapid, abrupt, spasmodic changes can harm the body. Changing the diet is a giant restructuring of the mechanisms and processes of the body. And you need to do it slowly, gradually.

Second important comment.
However, the method described above is not a universal guide for everyone. Each person is a separate world. What is good for one is unbearable for another. So you can make any changes that suit you individually. Rely on your intuition - it will guide you through the process of change better and more accurately than any books, instructions or experienced comrades. I know people who switched to JFA through the so-called optimal Atkins diet, which consists mainly of animal fats. This is their way.

Third important comment.
Use discipline, but not force. What is discipline? This is a reasonably planned and systematically executed sequence of actions that lead to an objective result. Discipline doesn't mean fighting. Discipline leads to success, violence leads to failure.

sudden method
It is rather not a method, but an event that can suddenly happen to a person. And it cannot be considered in isolation from the accompanying circumstances. The sudden transition to non-eating is the result of certain actions of a person. Most often this happens as follows: one fine day, a person realizes that he no longer needs food. It often happens that when you try to eat, the body rejects food, and in general, it does not cause any positive emotions.

Sudden transition to JBE often happens with those who lead a spiritual life. Fervent prayers, long periods of contemplation, meditation - all this can make a person's body "forget" about food. It also often happens that with a sudden transition to the JBE, there are no unpleasant symptoms that were described above. The transition is easy and natural. It just loses appetite, interest in the matter called food. And it can last for days, weeks or even years.
The more spiritual in a person, the less attachment to the material (including food). The more spiritual practices, the easier it is to stop eating. However, do not force your body.
But, just as suddenly interest in food disappeared, just as suddenly it can appear. And after a short or long period of not eating, a person sometimes returns to a “normal” diet. Sudden transition to JBE is easy to distinguish from anorexia, which is a mental illness. When switching to ZHBE, there is no depletion of the body. The body does not lose weight, does not weaken, it continues to be in a healthy state and functions normally.

Force method
Here we are talking about the transition to the CW with the application of effort. Many people are impatient or they do not like all sorts of "methods" at all - give them a shortcut and an immediate result. Often such people are characterized by a strong will and perseverance in achieving their goals. And if they decide something, then they go to victory, not paying attention to the circumstances. This behavior allows you to achieve a lot, and the CW as well.

The forceful method of transition to the ZBU is rarely successful. After being hungry for a while, the person returns to eating. Another thing is if his will allows him to survive long enough without food to experience all the advantages of curative fasting and, perhaps, be cured of many diseases, even those that medicine considers incurable.

During fasting or fasting, the body loses weight. It does not normalize, namely, it loses - non-stop. And the "Force Method" turns into suffering of the body, a violation of its functions, and leads to a skeletal appearance. Not everyone who “suddenly” refuses food like this uses the power method. More often, just the sphere of Consciousness of such people is expanded to such an extent that it is enough for them just to think about the transition to ZhBE. And their bodies in a fairly short time to adapt to a new way of existence. Each person is individual, and the same experience is experienced differently by everyone.

hypnotic method.
Hypnosis is a tool for reprogramming the subconscious mind. One part of the subconscious mind is responsible for controlling and communicating the physical body, the psyche and the part of the outside world known as food. In the case of an ordinary inhabitant of the Earth, this connection is of a vital nature, that is, “food is necessary for life.” A number of special substances, called food, must be regularly, timely and in the right quantities supplied to the body in order to continue existence.

But parts of the subconscious can be modified. A person striving for JBE programs his subconscious like this: The human body functions correctly regardless of whether any food is supplied to it or not. This is a rather risky and little-studied method of achieving non-eating. The main danger is that harmful installations can be absorbed by the subconscious. During a hypnosis session, the subconscious mind absorbs information like a sponge absorbs water. And each installation is a serious reprogramming.
Alternative method.
This method is based on a special meal schedule. But before proceeding with the transition according to this method, you need to reduce the number of meals per day. For example, if you eat five meals a day, start eating four. Once you get used to it, go for three times a day. You need to get to the point where you eat once a day, and it will be comfortable for you.

The next step is to start eating every other day. That is - the day of nutrition (once a day), - the day of fasting. Next, we move on to a new chart. One meal every three days. Today we eat, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we don’t. Pay attention to the fact that on the day you eat, you eat exactly the same amount of food as when you ate daily. That is, do not double and triple portions to eat two or three days ahead.

Following this schedule, you will come to the fact that you will eat once a week, then once every two weeks. You will be better off lightening your diet (liquids, fruits). Do not overload the digestive system by suddenly dumping large amounts of heavy food into it. After the schedule she's used to, this can hurt her a lot. When you eat several times a month, it is not surprising if you suddenly forget to eat one day. And if at the same time you are not tormented by an attack of hunger, then you should not redraw the schedule - wait for the next “day of food”. And if from the very beginning you called your periods of hunger periods of non-eating, then you can say that you are not starving, but practicing non-eating, with rare days when you take very light food.

Sun eating.
(literally, the word “sungazing” is translated as “gazing at the Sun”, but since there is a stable construction “sun-eating” in Russian, it was decided to apply it. Although, the essence of the method implies precisely a closer look at the Sun. Approx. transl.).

This method mainly consists of gazing at the Sun and walking barefoot on the ground - it has long been known and practiced for hundreds of years, mainly by the inhabitants of India. They claim that it heals the body and soul. After prolonged training, sun eating allows a person to enjoy perfect health, good mood and a high level of vitality. The healing factors here are the Sun and the Earth.

Freedom from food comes later, as a side effect of having a high level of vitality. This happens to almost all sun eaters, even those who don't believe in it. A noticeable decrease in appetite usually occurs after seven months of practice, although there are other options for timing.

Here is a short description of the method. Every morning at dawn or every evening, at sunset, you should look at the Sun, at its very center. Stand with bare feet on bare ground. On the first day, watch no more than 10 seconds. Every day increase the duration of watching by another 10 seconds. Thus, by practicing every day, in a month, the time of looking will be 5 minutes. And after 9 months - 44 minutes. This is the maximum - you can not look at the Sun longer.

The second important point in the practice is walking barefoot on bare ground for at least 45 minutes daily, even on days when it was not possible to look at the Sun. Do not look at the sun while walking. In total, the entire process of the Transition will take about 9 months. After this period, it is no longer necessary to look at the Sun daily. Moreover, it is not even recommended.

This should be done only from time to time to maintain a high level of energy in the body. The duration and frequency of looking at the Sun, of course, depends on the climate in which the practitioner lives and his lifestyle. But walking barefoot is recommended to continue.

If you live in a place where sunrise and sunset cannot be observed daily, then the process, of course, will take longer. If you missed a few days, you should not increase the duration of the solar session next time. After a long break (several weeks), you even need to reduce the time you look at the Sun. For the safety of the eyes, it is very important to stop looking at the Sun no later than an hour after sunrise. In the evening - not earlier than an hour before full sunset. Of course, you can not look at the Sun during the day, especially at noon.

If you look at the sun unbearably, you can make yourself indulgent, and direct your gaze a little over the solar disk. But it is important to practice regularly. By the way, here is information about one of the biggest human mistakes - the use of sunglasses. There are, of course, situations where sunglasses are needed if the eyes are irritated by a lot of light. It can be, for example, bright snow, electric discharges, being in high-altitude areas or on the seashore, driving a car towards the Sun.

But the use of sunglasses without urgent need on a sunny day increases the deficiency of a person's vital energy. Moderate exposure of the eyes to sunlight is part of the natural process of interacting with nature, and it is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and psyche. This is mainly due to the functions of the skin, pineal gland and cerebellum. Many so-called "chronic diseases" disappear if a person stops using sunglasses and covers his skin from the sun. It is important to remember that the Sun is the father who gives life to all the planets in his system. How will a child develop and feel if his contacts with loving parents are limited?

alchemical method.
This is the most efficient method. It is associated with the effects of chemicals on the human body. In this case, not eating appears as a side effect of the strongest activation of the luminous component of the physical body.

Chemicals, either pure or dissolved, have been used for thousands of years (mainly by those who are called "masters" or "initiators") and are known by various names, for example: manna, philosopher's stone, holy grail, vibouti, white gold, orme, ormus and so on. Most often, they look like powder. It can be either a pure chemical element or a mixture of gold, rhodium, ruthenium, silver, copper, mercury, but not their metallic form.

Descriptions of miraculous substances that heal the soul, body and return to life are often given in an encrypted, symbolic form. They can be found in the Bible, Vedas, Koran, ancient Egyptian texts or books on alchemy. The secrets of these substances are transmitted only to those who have gone through a long process of mental and spiritual purification, who have devoted a lot of time to studies and practices. The ingestion of such substances by an unprepared person can provoke insanity or death.

All kinds of spiritual exercises while taking the composition significantly speed up the process, activate the work of various body systems. The efficiency and working capacity of the cerebellum and pineal gland increase, which allows a person to discover new channels for perceiving the world, new skills, abilities, etc.

For most people (read unprepared people), the alchemical method is a one-way ticket. Such a sharp activation of the luminous component of the body will almost always mean psychic trauma or death. At best, a person who has changed dramatically is threatened with complete mutual rejection of the surrounding society, partly due to the fact that many non-physical channels of perception will open at once.

The person will be overloaded with information. What he sees and hears will be like a narcotic hallucination, although it will not be one. Perhaps the most unusual thing is that the thoughts of such a person will materialize many times faster than those of a “normal” one. And this means that you need to monitor your consciousness, which sometimes generates not entirely good thoughts, a hundred times more carefully.

Conscious nutrition.
Conscious eating (MN) is one of the most effective methods for transitioning to JBE. OP gives your body what it needs at the right time. Here's how it's done, step by step. Let's say you feel hungry. Act on the following points:

Stop for a while, relax your body and mind, ask yourself: “what is wrong with me?”. Now FEEL the answer without THINKING about the cause of the hunger. You just need to feel. The more sensations, and the less intelligence is involved in the process, the more Consciousness manifests itself. Thinking (intellect, activity of the mind) is a process limited in comparison with the sphere of Consciousness. So feel the answer to your question. And perhaps at this stage the hunger will disappear ...

Are you still hungry? Go ahead. Ask yourself - what exactly would you like to eat? Think about the different types of food and choose exactly what attracts you now. Once you understand what it is, imagine that you are eating it. Imagine food filling your mouth and stomach.

Here you are sitting in front of a plate with the food that you so desired. Slowly take a piece, continuing to observe all the reactions of the body, controlling and aware of each movement. Bring a piece of food to your nose, inhale the smell. Enjoy it, not letting go of your feelings, and again ask yourself: “What is wrong with me?”. Don't look for the answer in your mind, try to feel it. And again - at this stage, hunger may well disappear. If not, we proceed further.

Take a bite. Hold it in your mouth, feel it with your whole body - how does it react to the appearance of such a coveted food? FEEL, observe and don't think. Next is very important! - Chew food for a long time, at least three minutes, the longer the better. Do not swallow food until the taste has changed, otherwise it will not be mindful eating. FEEL, FEEL, FEEL, but don't think. While you are chewing, the taste of food may seem disgusting to you, and you will not want to swallow it. Spit it out.

Conscious eating is one of those practices that bring a person closer to his Self. The stronger the Self manifests in a person, the better he sees, feels and understands the world around him and the fewer questions he has. Mindful eating, lucid dreaming, conscious talking, conscious... Whatever you do consciously, it makes you become more conscious in general. Expands the sphere of Consciousness in which you live. Thus, the transition to a life without food is only a matter of your decision.

your own method.
Every person lives in his own world. So how is it possible (if at all) to create a method that suits everyone, even in the smallest detail? Do you think someone can do it for you? The most important method for you is your own. It may or may not contain elements from the above methods. He could be something completely different.

Some people like a slow, systematic approach. Others prefer to get results immediately, even if it takes a lot of effort. Others follow the middle path. Some focus on the spiritual side of things. Give evidence to others, because for them everything should be “logical”. The rest combine - feelings and reason. And so on.

Breatharianism is commonly understood as the ability to maintain the vital activity of one's own body without the need for food. This concept is not new. For many thousands of years, cultures around the world have described the human ability to go without food. For example, the third book of the Yoga Sutra describes the practice of 25 Siddhas with extraordinary abilities. Breatharianism is a common theme throughout Buddhism, as are other spiritual traditions. Siddhas are credited with many special traits - clairvoyance, psychokinesis, as well as complete liberation from hunger and thirst.

Little-studied phenomenon

Scientists spend a lot of time and effort looking for evidence of enhanced human abilities. The possibilities of telepathy or prior cognition have been explored many times, but breatharianism is not among the popular scientific experiments. Some brilliant minds of mankind still believed that eliminating the body's need for food and drink is possible. So, for example, Nikola Tesla in 1901 made the following statement: “My idea is that the development of life should lead us to other forms of existence. Now humanity cannot imagine itself without food, but in the future we will not be shackled by these restrictions. A living being will be able to obtain all the energy necessary to maintain life from the environment, and not through food consumption, through a complex process of converting the energy of chemical compounds.”

From the point of view of biology and history

To the layman's ear, the idea of ​​liberation from food and water sounds unrealistic. This is impossible from the point of view of modern biology. However, history has known many cases when the impossible became possible at one moment. A good example is the recent discovery by scientists of how humans can influence the autonomic immune system with just the power of thought. Next, we look at real-life examples of people who claimed to be able to go without food. All these cases are considered by science.

Qigong practice

The practice of Bigu (the third level of Qigong practice) destroys the attachment to food. Pranic nutrition has been scientifically researched and the results can truly be amazing. Some of the studies have been published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine. In particular, it described the case of a woman who was able to influence the germination of certain seeds by the power of thought.

The Indian Catholic Experience

Catholicism in India also teaches its followers to go without food. Institute of Noetic Sciences Chief Scientist Dean Radin explains this concept in his book on superpowers. On the example of yogis, one can prove their extraordinary mental capabilities. According to the author, the human body can indeed convert the energy of the environment into nutrients. If you learn to cultivate this ability on your own, you can live comfortably without food for a long time. Until the person really wants to eat or drink.

Differences with scientific ideas

The experience of the Siddhas described in the Yoga Sutra is completely at odds with medical knowledge about the capabilities of the human body. We are confident that the body can do without drinking for no more than 5 days, and without food - a maximum of a month. Science believes that after the expiration of the specified period, death occurs. As a result, we have many historical examples that describe how people lived without food for several years. Sometimes siddhas could do without drinking. It looks just incredible, because our body is 80 percent water! And moisture is more necessary to maintain the vital activity of internal organs than food. Most nutritionists and biochemists will laugh in the face of anyone who talks about their ability to go without food and water. However, such statements at the moment - from a few dozen to several hundred around the world. Is each of these daredevils delirious?

The story of Prahlad Yani

Prahlad Yani, a native of the Indian city of Ahmedabad, claims that at the age of 11, the goddess Amba appeared to him and said that he would never eat food again. Since 1970, the Hindu has lived in a cave, and for most of his conscious life, he really could do without food. In 2012, the man turned 81 years old.

Scientists have examined the unprecedented case in the new millennium twice. Both studies were conducted at the Sterling Hospital in Yani's hometown of Ahmedabad. Dr. Sudhir Shah assembled an impressive medical team and conducted trials in 2003 and again in 2010. Dr. Shah is a consultant neurologist by training and had 20 years of continuous practice at the start of the experiment. In addition, the scientist holds the position of professor and head of the department of neurology at one of the local medical schools.

First test

During the first test, which was conducted in 2003, Prahlad Jani was placed in a separate room. The man was under continuous monitoring of hospital staff and video cameras. The volunteer was observed 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The test took place for 10 days, and all this time the man did not eat or drink. Surprisingly, at the end of the experiment, Yani's body did not show any physiological changes. According to the statements of modern medicine, this was impossible. From the point of view of biology, already halfway through the experiment, the man should have died. But, on the other hand, 10 days for a person who has fully mastered control over his own body may seem a negligible time. But the absence of any physiological changes in Yani's body really amazed the scientists.

New challenge

The new trial took place at the same hospital from April 22 to May 6, 2010. This time, the man was observed by 35 researchers invited from the Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, as well as from other serious institutions. This time, Prahlad Yani did not eat or drink for two whole weeks. As in the previous test, at the end of the experiment, his body was not subject to any physiological changes. Harmful consequences of this abstinence, scientists have not identified.

Two irreconcilable camps

The results of these tests were not published in scientific journals, but the scientific community knew about the experiments. Both times, disinterested persons subjected the research group of Sudhir Shah to serious criticism. So, skeptics doubted the purity of the experiment and suspected that Prahlad Yani could bypass the attendants with the help of his students, and in fact ate and drank something. However, the employees of the institution swear that they were monitoring the man around the clock in accordance with the requirements of the said experiment.


It wasn't until 2012 that the scientific team issued a statement saying: “We realized that this phenomenon really exists. Prahlad Yani showed us the possibilities of his body for 15 days. We strive to take the knowledge gained and apply it to unravel the mysteries of medical science in the name of human well-being. We decided not to ignore this case, but to study it comprehensively. To do this, we have chosen a rational scientific method. The purpose of the study is not to prove or disprove breatharianism, but to study it as a new phenomenon in the field of practical science.

But, as always, every coin has two sides. We know from school that a person can live without food for about eight weeks, without water - no more than two weeks. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to refuse food at all and whether miracle people can exist.

So who eats the sun?

Sun-eaters or prano-eaters are people who claim that they can live without food and water for years and feed on the energy of the cosmos and the sun's rays, which they absorb through the skin. These people have changed the outlook and attitude to the world. They meditate a lot and live in their own world. Despite the fact that, according to assurances, they do not take food, the sun-eaters look good - the skin, hair, teeth are in excellent condition, the body is absolutely not emaciated, the mood is fine, and they look younger than their years. Looking at them, you might think that it’s not a bad idea to completely refuse food. What a saving of money and time!

And what will happen if...

Let's imagine for a moment that theoretically the world has given up food. People have become healthier, richer, they have a lot of time, there is much less garbage, because earthlings have stopped packing food and throwing away leftovers. But, on the other hand, think about the place in the world of the food industry and everything connected with it. How many people would be left without a job and a favorite thing. But what about a tea party with sweets at grandma's or a bachelor party without beer? Of course, we are still far from such global problems, but today there are already more than 30 thousand sun-eaters in the world.

How to refuse food?

The most famous sun-eaters assure that in order to forever abandon the food habitual for a person, one desire will not be enough. You need to rebuild your thinking, meditate, look for inner energy in yourself and, most importantly, gradually give up food. The most popular adherents of the theory of solar energy supply produce many books, video tutorials, and give lectures. But this is worrying. If you feel so good in a new healthy body with pure thoughts, then why make money on the problems of others - help for free!

The most unique one is a scammer?

The most famous supporter of the theory of life without food is Prahlad Jani. He was born in 1929 in India. The man claims that he has not eaten or drunk since he was 11 years old. He lives in a cave, receives pilgrims who come to him from all over the country. To confirm his words, Prahlad twice agreed to spend several days in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Doctors confirmed that during this period he really did not eat anything, did not even go to the toilet. Doctors noted that his state of health is excellent, and he really lives without food. But then many doubted his words, because the man sometimes went outside the hospital ward to meet with followers, where there were no security cameras. Rumor has it that Prahlad Jani has patrons who make sure that no experiments are carried out live. Many people believe that Prahlad Jani is still not as honest as he claims

"Ig Nobel Prize" is not a hindrance to pranaism

Another famous sun-eater all over the world is the Australian Jasmukhin (Helen Greve). She says that she can only drink tea or water in small quantities every few days, but does not take any other food. Jasmuheen gives lectures and seminars, publishes books and video tutorials, where he teaches how to live without food. But if there are still doubts about Prahlad Jani, then Jasmuheen was nevertheless caught in deceit. An Australian television channel offered to make a reality show with her participation to demonstrate the superpowers of life without food.

In just a few days, her body became dehydrated, her speech slowed down, her pupils dilated, her pulse quickened, she lost a lot of weight, although she assured me that she felt great. But in order not to put Jasmudin's life at risk, the experiment had to be interrupted. The woman was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize and the Crooked Spoon Prize, which is given out for the dubious merits of people with unique abilities. But the worst thing is that three followers of Jasmudin died of starvation. But the woman, of course, did not see her fault in this, but only stated that they had incorrectly followed the instructions.

Don't get fat on solar power

The most famous Russian prano-eater is Zinaida Baranova. She also has fans and followers. But during one of the interviews, many people noticed swelling on Zinaida's legs and that she had gained enough weight. Is sunlight really that high in calories? The followers of the sun-eaters fiercely defend their idols, arguing that the exposure of the prano-eaters is a global conspiracy and the unwillingness of the authorities to put up with people of a new branch of evolution.

What will our body tell us?

There is one more aspect to think about. Our body is a huge chemical laboratory where some process takes place every minute. Whoever created us - God or evolution - they did their best, because in the human body there is not a single extra organ. Each vessel, cell, organ has its own responsibilities. And if a failure occurs in some place, our whole body suffers. But how can one explain the fact that the organs of the sun-eaters have not changed at all - the kidneys, liver, stomach, digestive tract, excretory system no longer perform their functions, but look the same as in ordinary people. If you do not take food for a long time, irreversible processes will occur in the body. And even if a person comes to their senses, it may be too late.

Don't want to be deceived

Man is a trusting being. We seem to understand everything intellectually, but so we want to get what we want at minimal cost or without them at all. Is it not in doubt that all healers, magicians, sun-eaters willingly share the secrets of their success for a fee. Do "enlightened", spiritually rich people really need money? How can they live in polluted cities, where there is so much malice and fuss? Think many times before trusting charlatans. So I don’t want to be a skeptic and cast doubt on the achievements of the human body. But so far there are more arguments "against" sun-eaters than facts "for". But I could be wrong. Is it true?

"Ig Nobel Prize" is not a hindrance to prano-eating Another well-known sun-eater for the whole world is the Australian Jasmuhin (Helen Greve). She says that she can only drink tea or water in small quantities every few days, but does not take any other food. Jasmuheen gives lectures and seminars, publishes books and video tutorials, where he teaches how to live without food. But if there are still doubts about Prahlad Jani, then Jasmuheen was nevertheless caught in deceit. An Australian television channel offered to make a reality show with her participation to demonstrate the superpowers of life without food. In just a few days, her body became dehydrated, her speech slowed down, her pupils dilated, her pulse quickened, she lost a lot of weight, although she assured me that she felt great. But in order not to put Jasmudin's life at risk, the experiment had to be interrupted. The woman was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize and the Crooked Spoon Prize, which is given out for the dubious merits of people with unique abilities. But the worst thing is that three followers of Jasmudin died of starvation. But the woman, of course, did not see her fault in this, but only stated that they had incorrectly followed the instructions.

What did your journey up the steps of the food pyramid look like? Where did it start? And how long did this process take?

My transition took 2 years. First, the rejection of a large amount of food, then from meat, then only raw food. And then he abruptly switched to not eating.

What difficulties did you encounter and how did you manage to solve them?

I have heard that people face difficulties along the way. It may seem strange, but I had no difficulties at all. I knew what I was doing and why. My mind was already prepared for this evolutionary process. He has done similar changes and transformations more than once. True, they were a little different. Difficulties arise from not understanding what you are facing. I know that for many this transition took place in the dark. They relied on intuition. They did everything by trial and error.

In my case, it's different. In this I was helped by the fact that for a long time I studied how the mind works, its fundamental laws, causal relationships. It can be said that I know how the mind hypnotizes our being and how to put an end to it. I'm sure I've figured out some universal secret. The fact is that any belief, including the scientific approach, is based on the basic laws of motion of logic. And they can be studied, but this is not taught in society and books. Mind is what separates a person from reality itself.

He is a bumper, but not a reality. The problem with people is that they study the bumper and use that data to make guesses about everything else. It is logical to assume that as a result of such an approach, the world is perceived as distorted. And everything that we know about it reflects only the laws of the logic itself, but not the world. Understanding this at the deepest level, it is not difficult to become unattached to those ideas that have been hammered into you since childhood. When you begin to trust not your mind, but your body, everything falls into place.

The body acts directly, without the interference of our garbage mind. Yes, the body is controlled by the commands of the mind and often by stupid and harmful commands. But if this flow is destroyed and stopped, so to speak, then the body will take its own and “tell”, teach simplicity and minimalism. This is exactly the approach I take. And in particular with the question of not eating, I did the same. I let my body take care of itself. My mind is no longer an enemy to him. At the very beginning of my journey, it was a real battle. But the mind gave up. Now he is a servant.

You mentioned that physical activity plays an important role in the transition to non-eating. Tell me about your workouts. And are there any differences in exercising on an omnivore diet, a fruitarian diet, a juice diet, and a no-eat diet?

At the moment, my training goes like this:
15 minutes - Gongfu - stretching nine strands. 20 minutes - a basic set of exercises for stretching and preparing joints from tai chi quan. 20 minutes yoga. 30 minutes - push-ups on one arm, abs, squats on one leg, strength work with the muscles of the arms, back, chest. 30 minutes - Basic exercise Tai Chi Chuan - "pillar". Then the repetition of Chen style forms.

The main difference in the transfer of loads by the body with different “styles” of nutrition is that when not eating, there is no post-workout pain the next day. And you need to understand one aspect. Any food interferes with the body. From my point of view, it doesn't matter what you eat, be it fruits, vegetables or juices. All this is not necessary for the body at all. All these so-called stages of transition are just stages of persuading your mind. From the point of view of usefulness for the body - they are all useless.

Your body has already formed, since you are reading these lines. You don't need anything else. And all the efforts that you make on the path to not eating is just a process of slowly convincing yourself that such a transition is possible. After all, in fact, people have been brainwashed for a very long time about the need for food. And just like that, not everyone can take it and understand it. For some, this takes time, if at the same time they will steadily understand the essence of the issue.

What will happen to a person if he, in turn, starts working out hard in the gym and stops eating (imagining that he has already switched to not eating)?

I believe that evolution in case of not eating should also affect your mind, your habits of thinking and making decisions. In the case of sports, I think you have to understand that the usual loads of the gym harm the body. What do people who visit it usually want? Basically, they are waiting for a cosmetic effect. This attitude to the body as a commodity is one of the scourges of people. They strain where it should not be done at all.

The standards of sports for the average person do not apply to non-eating. And it's not about mass or strength. I believe that Need develops more strength per kilogram of mass compared to an ordinary person. In an ordinary person, his muscles are a kind of tissue tumors. And they do not have the power that a person needs for a right life. They have resilience and memory for pushing or pulling. But it's not strength. Real strength develops in the study of martial arts and their foundation - movements of the great limit. The development of such strength will give a person both youth and flexibility and endurance.

What do they do in modern gyms? They're cooking up some kind of killer monsters. All these imitations of fighters and wars... The war must stop. This is what is at the forefront of Need. When he does not eat, he stops the war of the mind against the body. So the next stage is to allow the body to restore itself to natural functions. This topic is complex and cannot be dealt with quickly. In short, I will say that the human body should resemble the body of a monkey in its functions. A person should easily perform those pirouettes that a monkey does. Well, plus, you still need to develop movements peculiar only to a person.

Basically they are connected with upright posture. What happens in the case of professional sports? For example, I had a serious experience in athletics. I jumped and ran at a high professional level. What did it lead to? My leg muscles have tremendous strength, but even with the same strength, they were clogged, strained and actually broken. When I started doing them correctly, I met my body's distrust of the mind. The muscles didn't want to relax. There were just bundles of nerves inside.

This is perceived positively by ordinary people. I once thought so too. And it cost me a lot of work to restore tissue elasticity and stretching. It only happened when I convinced the body that the mind was not its enemy. So to speak, they became friends and I tried on old enemies. And they became enemies under the hypnosis of society at an early age. They wanted to see me as an athlete. That's what I tried to match.
So, back to your question, working out hard in the gym does not mean doing it thoughtlessly and with the old opinion on this matter. A person does not need exercise equipment. He is his own trainer. You need to learn from somewhere about the correct method of developing your body. Trainers won't help. I will repeat once again. Non-eating is an evolution at absolutely all levels of being. The attitude to the body and to its loads must also change. If a person who is trying to switch to such a lifestyle does not understand this, numerous disappointments await him. This new way of life cannot be arrived at with old ideas.

With the transition to a raw food diet and fruitarianism, an incredible lightness appears in the body and at the same time emptiness in the stomach. This is an unusual state. Many people think about food all the time. What can you switch your attention to in order to somehow get rid of obsessive thoughts and old stereotypes?

I believe that this obsession is given only to help a person. You just need to switch your attention to why you think about food all the time, even though it is easy and good for you. Do you understand what stupidity sits in the minds of people? They do not trust their lightness and good mood. It is easier for them to accept that something is wrong with them. It’s easier for them to run somewhere to fix everything and do something right, according to someone else’s opinion. They have already forgotten how to trust their body and enjoy what they have. This race, this greed does not allow people to be free.
Emptiness in the stomach, it's like lightness after removing a bag of stones from the back. This should only be taken positively. For example, I have already forgotten what lightness in the stomach is, because for me this is the norm and I simply have nothing to compare with. It is only the habit of enjoying food and its association with a full stomach that makes a person's mind feel something wrong when the stomach is empty. The mind feels a catch and worries that a new portion of pleasure will not be obtained as easily as it can happen if the stomach is filled with food. It doesn’t matter what kind of food it is, even if it’s fruit, even if it’s hot. No difference.

The mind has to think how to replace this pleasure if the command comes to endure the so-called hunger. He rebels. He is inherently lazy and does not know how to enjoy just life. I compare eating with drug addiction. And such thoughts about food are breaking.
You can’t run away from this breakdown and not think about it. If you do not find in yourself all the levers that the mind is pulling, you will never be able to cope with it. Therefore, all obstacles are your test and indicators of the place that you need to work on with your mind. You need to convince him and create arguments for it. That's what they did to you as a child, when they taught you to eat what you ate. I talk to people a lot about children's "love" for products.
It is difficult for these people to even imagine that these taste habits were instilled in them by educators. It is not the person who resists, but his mind with habits. But everyone easily agrees that no one wanted to eat meat in childhood. You need to be objective to yourself and be able to face the truth, no matter how difficult, unpleasant it may be. One must have the strength to accept the consequences of realizing this truth.

Do you do any well-known spiritual practices yourself or create your own? What does it give you or help you?

This is a broad question. Spirituality has been analyzed by me from all sides, and I have a very unusual and cardinal view on this matter. For me, spirituality is primarily a return to the fact that the body is the only measure of the correctness of life. I studied a lot of old languages, to some extent even made a small revolution in this system of knowledge. Proceeding from the old meaning of the words, it is necessary to understand all modern treatises on spirituality in a different way. The fact is that everything that a modern person knows about spirituality is taken either from book sources or from the words of popularizers, who often do not understand what they are talking about. Spirituality has nothing to do with morality, ethics.
Although morality was derived from the rules that spiritual people adhered to in the old days, but their blind repetition without knowing the basics led civilization to fight over who is right and who is wrong. It destroys people and distorts their role on earth. By the way, the same disaster happens to the earth due to eating food. It's not hard to understand how our lives would change if people just stopped cooking... but I'm sure it won't. Too much is already involved here.
So, drawing conclusions from what I know, I put an equal sign between Spirit, Spirituality, Dhyana, Breathing, Zen and Sleep. Even etymologically, these words were born from one another and have the same root. Thus Zen is a more correct description of spirituality. And the practice of working with breathing, that is, with the spirit, is the only practice of spirituality. All this led me to Taoism, in its old manifestation, as the only possible balanced way of life for a person. What was my surprise when I learned that the inner alchemy of the Taoists is not eating. But I repeat, these are all my conclusions, and in order for you to become infected with them, you need to tell and show a lot of things to you ...

You mentioned that in order to move to non-eating, you need to evolve in all respects (physically, mentally and spiritually). Could you tell me more about it, how do you see it. What qualities should such a person have?

Evolutionarily, man must become a contemplative and traveler. All that prevents this is our habits. They sit in our way of thinking and in the way we move, in relationships with other people, in goals and desires. When we talk about evolution, we are just talking about a return to simplicity. This is hindered by our mind, which is just a looped set of habits that motivate and justify themselves. He is not connected to reality and in the end just kills people. Also, this illusory mind owns almost all ideas, even those that replace the truth for us.
Physically, it makes you treat your body like a garbage can. He makes us mock him and follow other people's ideas. We forget ourselves and can no longer live without the pursuit of standards. On the mental plane, it separates us from reality. Even the very word reality already means a set of rules and conjectures that have nothing to do with reality. No matter how stupid it sounds, but I know that the earth cannot be round, but you see pictures from space and this convinces you of the opposite. You will be surprised, but I have evidence that it is flat.

This evidence lies in the same plane as the theme of life without food. It's hard to believe, but it can be verified. As for the spiritual plane, first you need to determine where this spiritual plane is? So you come to the hospital to see a nutritionist and see a fat woman in front of you, obviously overweight with a bunch of problems on the physical and intellectual plane. Will you listen to her diet stories? I don't think so, but oddly enough, most people listen. What is wrong with these people? Why are they blind? All due to the fact that no one checks everything on himself and learns from childhood to believe stories. I am asked, can the need be complete?

The question itself makes me smile. How can a person who has understood so much about the body and food disfigure the body? This is out of the question. The same is true with spirituality. Where do the vast majority go for spirituality? Usually these are religions and in the best case to the guru. But do you really have to listen and trust the nutritional gurus who have abandoned their body, justifying this with the frailty of matter? If you believe in such spirituality, something is wrong with you. It is impossible to refuse to love yourself and at the same time allegedly love others. This is at least unconscious self-deception. And the maximum is business and play. I meet people around with sets of stamps and stereotypes. I usually don't do anything about it. Everyone must come to this on their own.

This is internal growth. But people are asking for help, to tell, to direct. Sometimes I respond and communicate. But, unfortunately, that mass of the unconscious, which puts pressure on one person who is trying to escape from the captivity of illusion, is so great that people break down and give up. When I say that eating food is an addiction, I also believe that the wrong attitude to reality is also an addiction.
Drug addiction at the level of ideas and blind obedience. Evolution must change a person from the inside completely, as if opening this "tin can with rotten fish." If we talk about what happens in the end, about the qualities that a person develops, then we will see a calm, healthy, strong person who puts longevity and balance at the forefront. Few of the past goals will appeal to him, because he already understands what they are really leading to and that they have already done him bad.

With the transition to a new level of consciousness, has something new appeared in your life? Any abilities that enrich your being?

The fact that I do not eat and do not depend on food is not the first transformation in my life. And I know it won't be the last. My soulmate played a big role in this transition. Her support and intuition were important to me and I consider it the greatest achievement that we found each other. As for abilities, the ability to appreciate our relationship, and understand what they did to you, I would call the most important abilities.

If you are asking about some supernatural possibilities, then I am a pragmatist and a realist. All that is available to a person is the perfect possession of his body and mind. If everything is clear with the mind for me personally, then my body is undergoing significant changes. In fact, I'm building it anew. It is very striking that some aspects of his work are even better than in the days of distant sports youth. It's amazing. Many problems that conventional medicine is simply not able to solve go away. The fact is that I have been involved in healing for a long time and I know firsthand how people suffer and how hard it is sometimes for them to get stronger.

If not all problems, then the vast majority of them will pass if they return the body to its original state. I would even give a guarantee, but on the condition that everything will be done exactly. The very fact of life without food is already a fantasy for the past dominant mind. I have already got used to perceive the miracles that happen to me personally, simply and calmly. Yes, and when you understand life a little deeper, then it no longer seems like a miracle. People are capable of much greater accomplishments than they think after homegrown upbringing. It is important not to confuse these achievements with Hollywood standards beyond people.

If a person is not sick, energetic as in childhood and happy - these are the most important abilities. And a person masters all the tricks only in order to indirectly come to energy, youth and longevity. But I also know tricks. Superpowers are also one of the traps of the mind. People demand superpowers, but in fact - how many people can just sit on the splits? No one really takes care of their body and therefore it seems to us something unrealistic that the Shaolin monks do, for example. And this is actually a mediocre opportunity. Everyone can do it.

Could you briefly describe the guide to exiting the SYSTEM?

Good question. The system implies structure and constant maintenance of its viability. If you start to destroy it, then after some resistance it gives up. The fact is that the mind does not like overexertion, and if it occurs, then it simplifies everything in order to save its donor. This simplification can occur through the problems that he throws at the owner of the body, or he simply agrees with the new reality to which he is obliged. It is important that the one who wants to get out of the system is firm in his intention and disciplined. In fact, discipline is everything. Without her, we're just dust on the road.

Reassessment of values ​​and one's past greatly harms the system. It knocks the ground out from under her feet. But it doesn't go painlessly. You need to prepare for this. Then I will give advice about life without food to those who want to evolve through the refusal of food. But that's half the battle. It is also important to understand that food is only the first and main desire of a person. But it is followed by the desire for sex, the desire to start a family, the desire to have wealth and blessings, then comes the desire for power, then the desire for knowledge, and finally, the person dreams of wisdom.

All these stops are traps. And 99.9% of people fall into them. Few people manage to reach the understanding that wealth and knowledge are actually the enemies of man. I won't talk about wisdom. These are very complex topics. But the largest part of the world's population lives only with thoughts about the next meal. When you look at it and understand the whole situation as a whole, longing rolls over. I don't even know why I'm sad at this time. I guess I understand that life around could be diametrically different. And once she was. Maybe it's the longing for the roots...

For travelers who dare to challenge their stereotypes, I would advise you to consider and accept that when you reach the goal, it will no longer be the one you were heading towards. No matter how strange it may sound. If you do not understand this, you will not have the discipline to finish the job. Along the way, you will be throwing out all the rubbish from the mind and body, and this will create new ways and goals. But the basis of your search must be real, unshakable and sincere. What is it? What will you not betray under any circumstances? I'm sure it's just an idea of ​​freedom. But do not take on other people's burdens. Freedom is a matter of personal challenge.

First. You need to understand that eating is an addiction. Everything you know about drugs, about people trying to jump off them, will apply to you if you start doing it.
Second. Start by preparing the mind. You must know all about it. You must try to understand all this. Imagine in order to feel where you already have stumbling blocks in advance. You must first prepare your mind. It is very important. If the mind has arguments, it is easier for it to deal with all this.

Third. These things are available to units on Earth. You must understand that if you want to enter the circle of these people, you must evolve completely. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, consciously, whatever. Only if you understand that the path of evolution is ahead of you, then you will always be left without eating.

Fourth. Learning to live without food must be done gradually. You need to go through all the stages from ordinary food, then giving up meat, from cooking boiled food, then only raw food, then fruit, then liquid food. The end result is a lack of food and water. All this you should do with ease. If you have tension, if you do not feel light - do not force things, because your mind is not yet prepared.

Fifth. It is important to understand from what stage you start. Each body, as a result of your lifestyle, is polluted, it is sick, it is in a state in which you and your mind can trust the body, and the body can trust the mind. Therefore, if you start from a stage that is not very pleasant, if your body is sick. He must be cured first. Again, maybe with small fasts, slowly put it in order. And then start taking bigger steps in that direction. Be sure to do this.

Sixth. Be prepared to be judged and rejected by these ideas. Take measures so that the influence of the people around you becomes minimal on you. The fact is that at the first stage you will not be ready to argue with their arguments. And your argument will appear only after you experience all this on your own experience.

Seventh. Trust the body mind. Until you know what it is. He will wake up as soon as you begin to live for the sake of the body, and not for the sake of the habits of the mind. Your body mind should occupy in your consciousness - 50%, and not 2-5% as it happens now. Your ordinary mind should be his servant, that is, they should have a minimum - parity. And the maximum is when the body mind controls your life. Get ready to develop it. And you must understand that without developing it you will have difficulties. The body mind is that sense of correctness, that intuition that should lead you to the correct functioning of your body.

Eighth. Be sure to develop your body mind in parallel with the help of some practices. The best thing on Earth, I think, is the study of the Great Limit - Tai Dzy, which includes yoga and stretching and the so-called spiritual practices. I would advise you to do this.
Incentives are the next item. You must understand that when you refuse food, then your life will be covered by a certain emptiness. The fact is that all the incentives that were in your past life, they will disappear gradually. And you have to fill this void, because if you don't, your mind will push, it will try to take everything into its own hands and bring you back to the old way of life. Your incentives are in some other plane, in the plane of being, joy, in the plane of achieving goals, discipline. You must definitely find them, and be sure to fill the niche with these incentives.

And the last point is exercise. This is a very important and most important point. If you don't take care of your body as you transition to no food, your body will die. I tell you exactly this. Everything I listed above led me to this conclusion. That your body should act according to your attitude towards your world. If your attitude is couch (lazy), then your body will die. To truly know yourself, to truly become spiritual and to truly accept yourself, you can only refuse to eat.


I don't eat anything, and it's called prano-eating, sun-eating, breatharianism. It is best to call it simply - not eating. Lack of food - somehow does not sound, that's why they came up with the term - pranaedenie. In fact, prana does not exist, and it is impossible to eat it. It is simply a symbolic image of vital energy. I believe that all these terms do not describe this phenomenon, therefore they are not correct.
I thought for a long time before telling others about this, but decided. The thing is, when you say you don't eat anything. That, even close people react to it negatively. And they are not to blame for this, since it is not the person himself who reacts, but his habits, his mind. The fact is that everyone around eats and they have had this lifestyle since childhood. When you tell them that you are not eating, they do not understand all this. Naturally, they perceive you as a stranger, very negatively, negatively. Although they themselves are surprised by their emotions. That is, they come out of them spontaneously.

The history of how to come to this is quite long. And each of you who tries to go this way will face a lot of problems. Let's try to understand a person like me, or become such a person ourselves. And is it worth doing it at all. To do this, you need to understand several concepts that form the basis of proper nutrition, normal weight, body functioning, or the ability to live without food.

First. I do not eat, that is, I do not depend on food. Nutrition doesn't affect my decision making in my life. It would seem simple words, but try to apply them to yourself.

The second is normal weight. What is normal weight? You can give a well-known formula - growth minus 100 kg - this is the norm. And where did she come from? Naturally, some scientists did certain tests for the adequacy of physical activity and deduced such a formula. I will tell you that it is very wrong to focus on it. Your optimal weight is expressed in terms of how much load you can perform. The functioning of your body is always adequate to the tasks that you set before it. Think about this phrase. If the child cannot raise his head, that is his task. He tries to do it, and therefore his body adapts to it.

If a weightlifter cannot lift the bar, he tries to do it - this is the task that the mind sets for the body, and the weightlifter tries to do it. Therefore, in this case, a child or a weightlifter - their optimal weight will depend on what tasks they will set for themselves and whether the body can perform these tasks. If you sit on the couch and do nothing, then the task of sitting on the couch and doing nothing automatically causes the body to have a weight that will be optimal for this task. The very concept of this idea leads you to think about what is optimal weight. If a person is sitting in the lotus position in Samadhi in a cave, how much weight does he need? Yes, practically none.
Another question is how you assess this weight from the outside. You should never try to optimize your weight from the point of view, as someone will say about you, from the point of view of the ideals that are imposed on us from the outside. After all, the roots of all these ideals are envy and laziness. You want to have a body like that of some person, but you cannot afford it - these two enemies are fighting each other. And you are trying to adapt to other people's ideals. In fact, what commands you give to the body, you will have such weight. If you do not give these commands, not just with the help of words - I want, I want, I want, but real physical exercises, real loads. If you walk for example 10 km, then your body will gradually adjust to these 10 km. Take what I have said and apply to all people and you will understand that this is the way it is.

I also made calculations: Let's say you reached a weight of 70 kg., At 18 years old. How many grams of weight did you gain in one day? Let's split this into two steps. Intrauterine development and after. So it turns out that the average weight of a child is 3-3.5 kg. If we take 270 days and these 3.5 kg, then in one day you gain approximately 10 grams of weight. Now take the next stage of your development. Adulthood - up to 18 years. We subtract from 70 kg (average weight at 18 years old), 3.5 kg (initial weight), divide by days. And what do we get?
360 days x 18 years = 6480 days.
6580 days / (70 kg - 3.5 kg) = 9.7 g .. per day.
Approximately 10 grams per day. In these ten grams, 80% liquid. You are 80% water. That is, in fact, you gain 2 grams of solid matter per day + 8 grams of water. And this is regardless of how much you eat. You can eat 2 kg, drink two liters, but you will gain 10 grams per day.
You can say, well, I can get better in a month by two kilograms. But at some other time, you won't. The weight will be like a swing in balance. If you still calculate a long period of time, then it turns out 10 grams per day. Weight gain does not depend on how much you eat. This idea should be well sucked in your head so that you understand that the amount of food is far from the main thing.

Skeptics immediately have a certain question. Well, but the rest of the food from these two kilograms, 1990 gr., goes to energy exchange. These academicians, who have studied this issue very well, want to ask what happens to people who weigh, for example, 150-200 kg.? What are they, Batman? Where does their energy go? Are they jumping on houses? Are they saving the world with their weight? Where does the extra energy go? Why is she doing them no good? Why can't they walk? Why do they get sick and die early? Something here does not fit ... In order to understand this. It is necessary to consider the issues of energy exchange. But for now, back to the skeleton.

The skeleton is the frame of the body. But here it is necessary to pay attention to one thing. If you have already become a parent, you know that the child grows no matter how you feed him. Of course, you give him something, but usually in childhood, children eat poorly and little, but they still grow. I'm not talking about width, I'm talking about height. Everyone knows that there are areas of growth. As long as they are open, the child grows. When they are closed, the child stops growing. Then what role does food play here if it stops growing automatically?

You can see pictures of hungry children in Africa who are dying of hunger. They all have long bones. No matter what they eat, their bones still grow. Here you need to understand how their body is generally formed. The fact is that the bones are the main element that enters the body of the child from the father. And the muscles are the main element that enters the body of the child from the mother. That is, the egg contains information from the mother - this is muscle mass, fibers. And the sperm contains information from the father. Therefore, in these two elements there is a certain program that should bring you to a certain level, a certain cast of your parent.

That is, you should be about the same as him. And already all other influences from outside, they prevent you from being its exact copy. You can be taller, or shorter, or slightly different. It's all thanks to your resistance and impact. But no matter how much you eat, your bones will still grow the way they should. This is a serious statement, it can only be verified by restricting the child's diet. Although if you conduct research on the same hungry children, you will find confirmation of this. Another very important aspect, no matter how you feed your child (many want to feed him so that he grows up), nothing happens. You still go to the doctors, you still learn about growth zones. You overfeed him, as a result, he grows only in breadth, but nothing up.

What does it say. You need to think about whether food or the amount of food affects the growth of the body. Most likely, this idea has not been studied very much, and simply, when a person tries to study himself, he comes up with some hypotheses, then they develop and what we know about our body, about science comes out. You must understand this example on me. I haven't eaten for quite some time and my condition is only getting better. Better than it was when I ate. And I do physical activity for 2 hours a day, this is a must (later I will explain why). And the performance of them becomes better, that is, I do not do less, I do not do worse - I do more and better.


The energy that is required for the functioning of the body is generally a huge myth. I think that at the heart of this myth lies the mistrust of people that you can not eat anything. As we imagine it all - like energy is needed in order for the body to function. It is necessary to change the whole approach to this term. Energy does not arise in the process of decay of some elements in your body. Energy is an impulse, an ordinary impulse, that is, in fact, it is a discharge of electric current. It is he who starts all the organs. You can call it electric current, you can call it vibrations. In fact, this is the same thing, if you look. And no one knows where the vibrations come from, no one can understand where the electric current comes from, it just exists. But it is energy - momentum. This is not the disintegration of the elements, but this is an impulse. The heart is what triggers impulses in our body. The initial impulse to your heart is given by your mother when you are in her womb. Even if you look, for example, how the heart starts beating for the first time, then this happens under the influence of the atmosphere in which the fetus is located and vibrations occur there and it starts the process of beating the heart when its muscles are ready for it.

The environment in which this can happen is water. Without water, it is impossible for any impulse to occur in your body. The mother receives this impulse from her parents, those from her own, in principle, there was once the primary source of the Impulse, and it was transmitted to you through your parents. Your heart beat because your parents made it beat. Water is the only possible substance in our body in which impulse transmission is possible. If there is momentum and there is water, then your body will function. In practice, this is the answer to many questions. If there is water and there is momentum, your body is functioning.

There is only one function in consciousness that occurs both consciously and unconsciously. This is breath. At the same time, we can control our breathing and we cannot. Increased breathing speeds up, strengthens the impulses in your body. When your breathing becomes rare and calm, on the contrary, the impulses in your body decrease. You need to understand that the heart is in the lungs - in the left lung there is a place where the heart is located. Yes, it is separated by a small space, 3-4 mm from the lungs. But when you inhale or exhale, you are massaging your heart with your lungs. When you exhale, the left lung presses on the left ventricle of the heart and blood comes out from there.
That is, the lungs frame the heart, hold it in such gloves and massage it. Constantly your inhalation and exhalation is transmitted to the heart. And in fact, with your breath, you start these impulses in the body. You make them active/passive, weak/strong. Why all esoteric art is based on calm breathing. Even the very word Zen (dhyane) is breath. That is, by breathing, you can control your consciousness, your bodily processes. If your breathing is even, regardless of the situation, even if you are in danger of death. But if the breathing is even, you will not be afraid. If it's a simple environment and you're breathing fast, then you feel adrenaline and everything. Breathing controls impulses. If you understand, then the term - Qi, underlies Qigong, Taoist practices, alchemy for immortality. When you study it, you will understand that this is vibration, pressure, this is this impulse. Itself is Qi, you can't find it, Qi is just a movement that you feel inside your body.

There are two points in the human mouth that are actively connected with the human consciousness. This is the palate and the root of the tongue. A lot of meditation practices are associated with these two points. Many are familiar with the palate, so to understand what the root of the tongue is, you need to study many practices. Each of these points affects the consciousness of a person. Now look - the food is actively massaging these two points. When you swallow, the food is deposited on the root of the tongue. If you feel what is happening at that moment with your body and you are hypersensitive to yourself, you will feel that the body is shaken up after that, after the food passes through this point. Same thing with the palate. When you swallow your whole attention starts from these two points.

What makes the body grow? The body grows, not by food, but by cell division. The cell has a nucleus. The nucleus contains a chromosome that is responsible for hereditary functions. Therefore, in order for you to become a copy of your parents, the chromosomes must separate and perform their function. That's it, that's all that's going on. And if we are talking about what cells eat, then this is a myth. I understand this example: if we consider a garbage car as a garbage eater, then we can say about you, about your body, about your cells, what you eat, digest. And if we consider a garbage truck as a mechanism that digests, crushes waste and takes it out, and throws it away. Then she doesn't eat, she's just a garbage truck. It turns out that according to the ideology that I am explaining to you, our cells ... our body is a garbage truck. Although outwardly it seems that you are burying something in yourself, eat that you are digesting something. In fact, everything is not so.


Many are engaged in bodybuilding, many want to have developed muscles. Muscles are a reservoir of water, nothing more and nothing less. Muscles are developed for the needs of the skeleton, this idea is at the heart of building the body. The more you move your skeleton, and the more disciplined you do it day after day, if you have a technique, then your muscles adjust, they take in water and in fact they become a mechanism that moves your skeleton. If you look, then at 70 kg., Weight, only 14 kg., Dry weight. That is, these 14 kg are your compressed muscles, skeleton, organs. If you gained 10 grams of weight with water as a child (maternal nutrition). If you were a child under 2 years old, ate mostly liquid foods and gained weight too. And most likely more than 10 grams per day, then the question is - why do this with non-liquid nutrition when you are already adults? Why build up the rest of your body mass with anything other than water? Natural water is much more enriched with natural elements than the food in which they are found.

If we consider the old ways of how to function as long as possible, how to move long distances, then bags of clay (along with a mixture of various herbs) were placed in the stomach, this gave a person the opportunity for a long time to move for many months without food. There are many more of these elements in clay than in your food. Plants grow on these elements in the ground. And look how they grow, look how tall they are. There are absolutely unique creatures of 300 meters. Where is a person before this? They get these nutrients from the earth. And I saw with my own eyes how a man receives them from the earth. This method looks like this: a small bag is taken, special clay with nutrients is put there, it is placed in the mouth. It is tied with a rope, the rope is behind the tooth and the person, feeling this bag in his stomach, travels. Then after a while he takes it out, the bag becomes very thin and dry. Everything comes out of it into the stomach, all this is worked out and the person feels fine. That is, this is a certain step towards not eating anything. It shows what we can be like plants. We can receive from nature, from the earth, the same as plants receive.
I have already spoken about physical activity. It is worth mentioning that human muscles grow due to microfractures. You make them rupture, they grow together by cell division. This is due to the fact that you give the body new tasks that it has not performed before. For example, when a child begins to walk, while learning new skills, or during physical activity. These micro-ruptures are a certain stress for the body and thanks to it, it grows and develops. Eating is such a stressful thing. Therefore, it is important to understand when you reduce food intake or refuse it altogether - you need to re-create this stress in the body. You must actively participate in sports or any vigorous activity that will keep the body at the same weight that you are. If this is not the case, then the body will not do anything.

The organism has no mind, it simply responds to the actions that the ordinary human mind leads. If you are not disciplined, if you lie down, if you lose the incentive to live from the fact that you have stopped eating. Then, 100% your body will become smaller, thinner, and in the end it can lead to death. It is for this reason that anorexia and starvation exist. These people did not understand these moments, they did it for the sake of their consciousness, and not for the sake of the body. When you go into non-eating, you must trust the body. The body should become your second "I". Your intellect must go aside. It should take 50% of your life, the body should take the second 50%. If this is not the case, then I guarantee that your attempts will be unsuccessful.

Where did the idea of ​​not eating come from? Why does it even exist? Lack of eating food in your body is a natural human function. Here is a child, does not ask to be fed. The fact that he yells and you shove something to him does not mean that he asks for it. By and large, the child does not want to live at birth, because in his mind there is still no intellect, no personality, no “I”. Someone wants to live. No one knows inside him what life is at all. A conscious personality "I" does not exist in a child. It is his mother who makes him live. The mother makes him eat and grow his body. And thus, nutrition is an unconscious function of our body, that is, when you started eating, you did not motivate yourself in any way, you did not agree with it in any way, did not take part in it in any way. This is all a violent effect, and one can easily be convinced of this by refusing food.


One often hears the argument when people say that the human body is powered by the energy that comes from burning fat. And if you are fat, it may be beneficial for you to say this ... What is human fat? When the body every day copes with an unnecessary substance that enters the body at intervals of 2-3 times a day, it simply does not have time to put it off. It recycles it, but not all. Therefore, the remains of what it did not have time to throw away, it tries to save in some kind of reservoirs. What are the simplest, most optimal reservoirs in the human body so that debris can be stored in them, and so that they do not interfere with the functioning of the body? Naturally, these are some layers, some vessels outside the organs that are responsible for vital activity.

Between tissues, and best of all under the skin. That is, something that does not interfere with the movement and work of organs, digestion, lungs, head ... It turns out that fat is something that the body did not have time to throw out and after that hides it in some safe places for your body. When you start eating less, the body perceives this as free time to cleanse the body. Finally, you can get to all these deposits, and it begins to throw them away. When a person eats less, what happens to him? First, he goes to the toilet more and all the fat layers, deposits that the body has been putting off, leave him. The logic is very simple. The body gets rid of all that rubbish that it could not throw out, which was constantly loaded from hour to hour with all kinds of food.

This is how you should treat fat burning. The body functions in spite of food, that is, food prevents it from doing this. Therefore, the body, when food enters it, it cannot show all its capabilities. Here the question arises - well, there are people who are athletes, Olympic champions, etc. These are not the possibilities I'm talking about. When you see a yogi, a Taoist who takes care of his body. When you see a magnificent master of martial arts. Here are the opportunities… This is just the beginning of them. There are a lot of examples when quite thin, fit people do things that no one in tight weight can do.

for people who try not to eat, hunger is the first enemy. Everything is very simple with him, since hunger does not exist. Hunger has two components - saliva, which is released at the moment when you smell or taste food. It even stands out when you first saw it. It's such a definite reflex. The second is the feeling of emptiness in the stomach. And the opposite is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, as a certain sign that you are well, that you are happy, that you are in a good mood and that you do not need to do anything. These two components create a feeling of hunger. In fact, these are two reflexes that have nothing to do with the functions of the body. When a person feels a rumbling in his stomach, the first thing that comes to his mind is to eat. Why? A person is used to the fact that his stomach should not be empty. And that when he is full, he will be fine, he will sleep, he will be in a good mood. Thus, a certain reflex arises, which brings a person into a state of calm.

What is saliva? Saliva is an acid that is produced in order to process and quickly remove the muck that you put into the body. It is a protective tool of the body. Since you get pleasure from filling the stomach, what happens before consumption - the release of saliva, you associate with this enjoyment. It turns out - an unconditioned reflex, which has nothing to do with reality. As a result of this, the stomach is designed to process and throw out everything that has got into it. There shouldn't be any bricks. He can't work with it. This is not functioning properly at all.

Let's figure out what hunger is, to gnaw, smooth. One and the same root, and one and the same meaning. That is, the word - hunger, means something smooth, even, without notches, without indignation. Hunger is a state of even, calm attitude towards the body. Without bursts - filled the stomach, emptied, stuffed, emptied. That is, hunger is like a surface on a lake... This word once had the right meaning...
Why do people eat?

In the absence of secretions from the body, sooner or later the desire, evolutionarily, to absorb food will disappear. People eat because they are unconsciously accustomed to passing huge amounts of food through their bodies. They are used to the fact that it is associated with pleasure, a sense of calm, satisfaction. They cannot accept themselves, their inner essence, they cannot be left alone with themselves. After all, from childhood we were forced to eat with trips to cafes, theaters, parks, with sleep. That is, everything that a person has to do with a good mood, with good feelings - it's all connected with eating. I declare with full responsibility that eating is an addiction. If people die of hunger, then they die for exactly the same reason that drug addicts die - from withdrawal and from the fact that they want to get something, but cannot. Unfortunately, a person simply does not have the mind to see how much these short seconds of enjoying food shorten life, and what harm they bring. After all, even simple fasting, from a few days, bring a great effect to the body. They provide great benefits and everyone knows it. What even then to talk about long-term non-eating and general refusal to eat. But enslaved minds cannot afford even these small periods of no food. You try it for yourself and you will understand what will start to boil in you. And how many unconscious habits will come out.

You also need to understand that constantly eating is also a micromassage of internal organs, and to some extent it helps a person, at least a little, to be in balance. This is especially true for lazy people. When a very fat person walks, how does he live? And yet, the food that gets into him creates some physical stress for him, and this allows the movement of Qi, the heart impulse, to somehow move. But all this can be easily and correctly, without harm to the body, replaced by qigong and yoga. But laziness is a very serious thing. It is very difficult for a person to force himself to move his body, to strain, to force himself to sweat. It's hard to overcome.

I would like to talk a little more about words, about concepts. There is such a word as - "nutrition". FOOD - EAT - DRINK. Babies in the womb are eating. Children at an early age - eat. You need to drink water. When you say nutrition, you immediately think of solid food. Pieces of fried, something dead is not food. Food is liquid. There is another word - "aging". And there is - "erasure". That is, aging is simply a process of erasure. And what you eat allows your organs to wear off. I do not want to go into the depth of this word. There are other explanations for it as well. But in fact, erasure and aging are one and the same.

Functions of the digestive organs. Here the question arises, why are they given to us by nature? They are given to us by nature, but what we attribute to them is not their real function. By nature, we are given a filter from getting something alien into our body and for digesting liquid food (nutrition), saliva, and mother's milk. Organs that allow the body, by grinding food, to remove them back from the body. This is a filter for the body, and this is how it should be perceived. The less food you send in, the smaller this filter becomes in volume. Stomach, bladder, kidneys and pancreas contract. It is enough for them to work in a small volume to filter the blood inside the body. Because you don't give them that garbage and they don't have to work so hard. They regulate this process themselves, quite well and without question.
It is important to understand that desire appeared at the very beginning of your life. It is unconscious. All other desires are based on it. Only by removing this stone from the base, the entire pyramid of desires will collapse. And you will become a completely different person. You will feel a little not from the world of everything, immortal or something. Because you won't get sick anymore.

Imagine for a while: “I live without food. I won’t eat anymore”… And everyone who comes to this, they have the first question. What will I do? And this is where the emptiness comes in. You don't really know yourself yet in your life. You don't know what to spend yourself on. You don't know what you are! And now the refusal to eat will lead to the fact that you will no longer think about cafes, restaurants, about drinking with friends, about gatherings where you can have a bite to eat. Because in these processes you just make yourself happy from the process of eating. You will have a lot of free time. You will start doing what you really need, what you really love. Finally, really take care of your body, because if you don’t, you will die. And your body will shrink under your laziness. It will be very thin, weak. Because you will not force him to do that work in order to live in this world, in these three dimensions. You will face the real you, from which you fled through food, through all these imaginary pleasures. And understand how it affects other people. Review all your goals in life. You will simply become an "alien". You should analyze well how deep this desire underlies the whole existence, society. I'm not talking about business, about everything else. It's just basic. You will lose refrigerators, your kitchens. The desire and need to earn food will disappear. You will become a traveler on Earth who can afford everything. You will have a lot of free time.

Not eating- this is intrauterine nutrition and a return to it through the experience of the life of our body as a perceiving apparatus of this world. In essence, fasting is a Taoist practice of internal alchemy. And in principle, if we study history well, we will see that once there were even entire schools that taught how to do it.

Let's talk about the "scientific" approach to studying the structure of the human body, the metabolic processes in which it proceeds. How is this "scientific" knowledge obtained in general? Naturally, all the data is taken from the most ordinary person who eats everything - how can we consider such data to be objective? The processes that take place in a person who does not eat are not studied. From that, the conversation must begin with such a premise that the structure of the body has not been studied and its possibilities are much more unique, more extensive than people can imagine. And the purpose of our body is not quite the same as presented by these scientists. But they are not to blame. This is a common preconceived view, and they themselves are connected by this causal relationship, they eat themselves, they have all the dependencies, and they cannot look differently at the processes taking place in their body. But we must understand that this is only one particular view of things. Well, it's like putting a non-working engine in front of you - after studying it, you will draw conclusions that you need to run a current into it, such and such processes will begin there ... but it will still be the study of a dead object, since you still you won’t know how much current you need to give in order for it to work and how you need it, what it can give and how to use it. So our scientists study something like a dead engine, so a person who does not eat is a running engine. Therefore, we can only get some data that can be operated on, but this data will describe only one process, which is not particularly related to the life of the human body. Modern science and biochemistry is built on cause-and-effect conclusions that are based on some particular view of the human body. And it just so happened that this particular view has become a fundamental view in our science, so to speak. And in fact, he "puffs" people's minds, and people do not try to understand him, to disassemble him. Where did you get all your knowledge about the body from? Where did you get the idea from, for example, that when organs shrink, they can get some kind of harm? Where did you get that they can dry out? Where did the concept of energy exchange, metabolism come from? You got them from school, etc. and a maximum of medina. But how deeply did you study these processes yourself, without prejudice, without relying on authorities? I think not, it will not be entirely correct to operate with them, we must first study how this knowledge is obtained ... After all, what helps a person to live, gives him life - is taken from nature. And always simple and lies on the surface. And our biochemistry, medicine satisfies only the interests of the mind, and does not bring any benefit to humanity - and this can be seen by any sane person.

Protein, and everything connected with it, is one of the myths. For example, everyone knows that most of the protein is found in the corpses of animals (fish, birds, animals), and a person needs to eat these bodies in order to replenish some protein reserves in his body. But if animals form protein in their body, then how do we humans differ from animals, why is it so decided that we also do not form protein in our body? Our bodies are the same as those of animals, and we form protein in the same way as pigs and cows. Why do we not take care to make it inside us, why do we try to absorb it from the outside in a complicated way? Pig, cows - do not eat the corpses of animals, do not eat their own kind. If people had thought about this even earlier, they would have approached such a concept as protein differently. Why, in general, have we reached such a point that we have to justify eating meat with some theory? It's more about intelligence and laziness, and the more intelligence we have, the more we figure out how to give ourselves comfort without doing anything. And so we stop taking care of our body, and move on to the external acquisition of the same. Well, there the meat producers promoted this business, and raised this whole importance of eating corpses, which lazy people now have to buy.

Lactic acid. It is produced in us after physical exertion, and lactic acid is our protein. Therefore, if there are no loads, then there is no protein, and then a person looks for it outside, in corpses. Personally, I'm not one of those people who believe that a person needs protein at all, I'm just talking about protein in terms of scientific facts. Lactic acid as a way of survival is obtained by the breakdown of glucose, in fact, lactic acid is a glucose molecule split in half (during this splitting, pyruates and this acid are formed). Glucose is blood sugar and the substances that occur when it breaks down are fed to the muscles and brain. With a shock load on the body, an excess of pyruates is converted into lactic acid, such a cyclical process, that is, an excess can also become lactic acid. In fact, it is a reserve of energy in the body and forms an excess of this energy (*energy - here it also refers to the scientific interpretation), in general, pyruates and m-acid are the energy reserves of our cells. So m-acid is formed during the work of muscles, the same milk in a woman and in animals - it is formed during the work of muscles, just eating the flesh of animals we eat with meat and m-acid, which is part of these muscles. Therefore, milk can be equated with meat - it is simultaneously in the body of each animal - we eat meat, which means we eat m-acid. The question arises, why do people not grow further after puberty? They say that we need protein for the growth of the body, but if you have already formed both in growth and in bones, then why consume protein? It doesn’t go to muscle growth, since acid is formed when these muscles are loaded, that is, you need sports and you will have this m-acid, it’s pointless to save up, since only microfractures of fibers affect muscle growth, and lactic acid only goes to restore these tears - so a new fiber is formed. Therefore, neither milk nor meat - you do not need to eat, as your metabolism works.

Milk is produced in females during birth functions and loads that are accompanied by the growth of the fetus inside the body. In fact, this long gestation is also a process that occurs in the body of an athlete, it is a constant load - and milk is formed here and there, only in one case we call milk for feeding, and in the other m-acid. An athlete feeds on his own milk, and a woman gives this energy reserve to a child who cannot yet make m-acid with his own loads. If we consider women's milk, then only 12% of it consists of various nutrients, and the rest is water - and this is natural, since we are 80% water, and therefore the nutritional value of milk is too exaggerated.

In the process of digestion, enzymes break down consumed proteins into amino acids that are involved in protein biosynthesis or they undergo subsequent breakdown to obtain so-called energy. Here it is necessary to understand what is meant by the words "energy" by our science ... In fact, they simply gave a different name to the process of irritation. Everything that irritates the normal calm course of the body's life and causes a cleansing response is called the “energy exchange process” by scientists. If we take the basic principle of energy formation in cells, then we will see that there is a process of transferring the remainder, that is, energy exchange, the supply of energy is simply the transfer of the remainder. That is, the removal of garbage from the body - this is energy exchange. In general, the bustle of garbage trucks around the city is - in science called - energy exchange. Well, you can call it that, but we mean by this, some impulses, vibrations, etc. and scientifically, this is the export of the remainder. But in fact, energy is an impulse to transfer to utilization, and not the transfer and utilization itself.
Carbohydrates. It is an integral component of all cells of living beings. Carbohydrates make up the bulk of all life on our planet. The source of carbohydrate is photosynthesis - by the way, this is one of the arguments in favor of a raw food / fruit diet, because if you want to get carbohydrates in a clean way, then you have a direct way to eat only fruits. And one more fact; in nature, glucose is formed by plant photosynthesis, that is, there is also a reason only for plants. In the human and animal body, glucose is the main and universal product, a means for energy exchange and providing cells with energy. (*by energy, I mean that carbohydrates and glucose are actually the roads that “our garbage trucks” can drive on. If there are no roads, it is difficult to take out the garbage, and our body will become swollen ...).

Metabolism. Glucose is the main source for the background of metabolic processes in the human body. Metabolism is the processes that allow an organism to grow and multiply, respond to environmental influences, etc. in general, these are all the main transformations inside the body. So, even those small studies that were carried out on low-eaters and the like - reveal facts that are hushed up everywhere, hidden (this is where I suspect a conspiracy), because biochemists who still studied the processes in a starving body understand that not everything is so simple, but for some For reasons it is not profitable for them to talk about it openly, since this calls into question virtually the entire structure, course and development of our civilization, people who eat everything around them. Many energy sources other than glucose can be converted directly in the liver into glucose, such as lactic acid. Think about it. Lactic acid, which is obtained in the process of physical activity, can, under certain conditions, become glucose. In fact, lactic acid is a product of glucose, but there are studies that say otherwise. Also, many free fatty acids, glycerol, or free amino acids (these are all by-products that circulate freely in our body and there are enough of them) can be converted - and our liver can form glucose from all this (gluconeogenesis).

Speaking of hormones, one must understand that in the body of a living being there is a complex system of hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. It allows you to keep a certain level of glucose in the body of each creature. It's just that glucose is such a versatile product that allows you to use it to carry any "garbage" through the body. So, the presence of this hormonal system that allows you to do all this indicates that the organisms have an autonomous process of glucose production set up. There is glycogen in our liver, and when glucose reserves are close to depletion, then within 6-10 minutes glucose can be produced from glycogen, but if a person continues not to eat, then the process of producing glucose from free amino acids begins in the liver. This fact is known to scientists, and we can conclude that our liver is a place where this energy can be produced so that our body functions on its own, from the garbage, free elements that are in our body due to its work - splitting occurs and again creation repeats itself... This process can last forever if you do physical activity, that is, it produces lactic acid.

Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrate elements. This is the main process that supports the vital activity of the body - the production of glucose during fasting and intense exercise. This process takes place in the liver, adrenal glands and intestines - it is precisely this process that scientists need to study in order to understand how the body of a non-eater works and why everything is so good with it. And if you are engaged in the production of lactic acid, then these organs have enough elements to synthesize this glucose automatically inside you and constantly. This is why exercise is so important...

The difference in response to physical activity of the body of a non-eater and an eater: You experience pain after physical exertion because lactic acid is formed in the body. If its production exceeds the needs of the body, then it is stored in the muscles, the muscles cannot remove it from themselves - and you feel this failure as pain signals due to which classes are impossible on the second day. And when I work out, on the second day I don’t feel anything. It’s just that in my body lactic acid is formed exactly as much as is needed for muscle growth and for the life of the body. And in the eater, lactic acid is still formed from the load during the "digestion" of food. And it turns out that a person ate before the gym, then he pulled iron, and when he came home - he ate again - in all these cases, m-acid was produced, in too much quantity at its minimum cost (need). It turns out that it is deposited in the muscles - this creates pain. This is another motivation to carry and do fitness - you can do more and get muscle growth 2-3 times faster, so the ability to allow you to exercise 2 times a day, not to make intervals between days of activity.

Food additive E270 in food is lactic acid. Additives from E200 to E299 - are used to preserve the product, from fungus and bacteria. In general, these are chemical stabilizers. It turns out m-acid is a conservative in your body. That is, scientists have found a solution so that the product does not deteriorate - it is necessary to add m-acid to it. It also turns out that it can save you, preserve, that is, stop the aging of the body - your lactic acid.
To summarize: glucose comes from protein and carbohydrates, protein serves as a raw material through which glucose is obtained from amino acids. M-acid comes from glucose, and glucose from m-acid, protein is m-acid. Glucose is produced in the liver in the absence of its obtaining from outside with the help of food. The work of the body in this mode should be studied by physicians and biochemists, that is, without throwing products into the body. We now understand that m-acid is formed not only from food, but also in other ways that occur independently within the body itself. Understanding this, you can change your views on amino acids, etc. which we are so forced to take from the absorption of food.


A person who goes to no-day will always go along the road where the beginning and end are clear, but the path itself will not always be smooth. And when a person follows this path, it turns out that you have to evaluate those who are also on this path, and you need to understand that there are certain gradations of such people - someone may not eat for a year, someone eats once a month when they eat quite a bit once a week, someone hasn’t eaten anything for years ... it’s clear that not all of them are breatharians, many are malnourished, but it’s already worth listening to such people like the breatharians, since they have already managed to overcome part of the addiction, which means they can also say useful to you. Even malnourished people are people who already contradict the laws of medicine, from which one can learn some experience from them.

Many are usually interested in how authoritative the person who talks about not eating is, from that the question of the time of complete not eating is natural - since a person wants to know how much one can trust the source. Personally, I have criteria by which one can determine whether a person is on the path of non-eating or not. I will not say that these requirements are the only true ones, and still require correction in the future, but I would like to express them. Only they are applicable for those who are in the subject, that is, this is as an addition to your existing theoretical knowledge on the topic of not eating and to your practical experience (at least not eating enough). That is, for those who know little about the topic - these rules cannot serve as an assessment of a person who claims that he does not eat or is a poor eater.
And so, one of the criteria is weight. A person who does not eat should not have a lot of weight. For if he understands the uselessness of food in his body, then he also adequately understands the uselessness of those deposits that have formed due to food, and from that he will zealously remove them from his body. After all, any sane person understands that being overweight is harmful to health. In general, the weight of a non-eating person should be at least “height minus 115”, that is, if a person is 190 cm, then his weight should be 75-78 or less, well, not 90 for sure. The second criterion is fat under the skin, that is, if a person has a sufficiently large amount of fat, this indicates that he has not yet been completely cleansed and that there are still deposits in him due to eating.

The next criterion is the physical state of the body, that is, its work that it does. I have repeatedly said that physical work is important for a person who does not eat. Well, we can say that a person who does not eat should cleanly pull himself up at least 15 times, that is, without kicking, in exactly one approach - at least 15. He should do push-ups, well, there 40-50 times calmly, without tension. It all says that a person takes care of himself, constantly has loads. And the more a person does not eat, the stronger his physical form will be. It is clear that he eats side chapels, and everyone has their own norms, but progress with not eating should have been growing.

Another criterion is stretch. The more a person does not eat, the more elastic he becomes, since having a clean body, you will automatically be drawn to stretching the body, well, think about yoga, about stretching ... A thin person, a child - has a more flexible body, the opposite of this - a fat person who is prevented by weight from even wanting to stretch his body. Therefore, this can also be taken as a criterion, not very important of course ... and it is clear that yoga is not a criterion for not eating, but if it is present, then this is an extra indicator to all other evidence of not eating or not eating enough.

Another more important criterion is the psychological state. Need must be cheerful, be without depression and apathy, in general, must love life in all its manifestations. I also think that a person who eats little should have an absolutely flexible mind, since on the path to which a person will go to the absence of food in his life, he will face many intellectual problems, from which the intellect will develop very strongly in order to decide. Since in fact it will perform the task that the units on this earth set.
The next criterion is the external way of life. A person who has embarked on such a path should live very comfortably and minimalistically, that is, there should not be anything superfluous in his environment. This follows from the very way of such a life, without pathos, since this is selfishness, that is, this is Feng Shui applied to everything, not only to clothes, but to the environment, to those with whom you communicate, comfort in an emotional state - and nothing superfluous, minimalism towards life... Such a person spends very little energy on something extraneous, for which he does not need. Therefore, pay attention to the actions of a person who does not eat, they should be minimalistic.

Well, the last thing, which is difficult to check without closely communicating with a person, is the minimum of water in the life of a person who does not eat. This is a long topic, for now I will say that such a person should absorb little water, that is, you can absorb it, but not enough.

If the pranoeder does not cope with his drug addiction to food, then he will always want to eat, even when physiologically he is able to do without food. In order to get rid of drug dependence on food, and indeed from any drug addiction, a long and consistent work on oneself, namely on one's consciousness, that is, the implementation of one's own self-development, is necessary. Otherwise, even if you become physiologically independent of nutrition, then psychologically you will not be able to be on pranaedeniya. By the way, if a person from birth feeds only on the breast milk of a mother who has been on fruitarianism or prano diet for a long time and continues such nutrition up to ten or twenty years of her life, as a rule, it is no longer required, then she is able to instantly switch to prano diet with water, and in painlessly stop drinking water. This is due to the fact that the body of such a person was not susceptible to infection due to nutrition, which means that the body of such a person does not need to be cleansed and detoxified. This allows you to instantly and completely ensure your life only by the processes of chemosynthesis and photosynthesis. Chemosynthesis is based on the consumption of nitrogen and oxygen, which the animal acquires during respiration, as well as on the chemical transformation of nitrogen and oxygen, and the interaction of nitrogen and oxygen with the symbiotic intestinal microflora of the former fruitarian. Naturally, the symbiotic intestinal microflora of the Fruitarian is healthy, and is able to provide the body with the necessary substances and microelements, which are the products of its vital activity, and the nutrient medium for the symbiotic intestinal microflora is not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are contained in raw plant foods, but also in nitrogen and oxygen consumption. In fact, the symbiotic intestinal microflora of the pranoed feeds on nitrogen and oxygen, just like the pranoed itself.

Thus, the body of the pranoed is provided with all the substances necessary for it, and microelements, and the source of energy for the pranoed is breathing. But, not only breathing is a source of energy for the pranoed, and photosynthesis also plays this role. Even an infected body of a modern person is able to synthesize some vitamins upon contact with sunlight, and with a healthy fruitarian body, photosynthesis is able to provide the body with energy on a par with chemosynthesis. But, the disadvantage of photosynthesis is that not all the nutrients the human body is able to acquire through photosynthesis alone, and this is due to the biochemical processes in the body of the fruitarian-pranoed. But, chemosynthesis, together with photosynthesis, is able to fully provide the body with energy, as well as all the necessary substances and microelements. But, now the fun begins, if you have become a prano-eater who does not consume food and does not consume water.

Your respiratory organs gradually begin to use their functions to a lesser and lesser extent, and over time you completely stop breathing processes, and at the same time you still live. But for what reason? This is due to the fact that the body of any animal is endowed with skin respiration, which, together with photosynthesis, is able to ensure the vital activity of the organism, just as chemosynthesis is able to provide the body with energy along with photosynthesis. At the beginning of your transition to skin nourishment, your breathing is both breathing itself and providing the body with nitrogen and oxygen. But, the body on pranoedema gradually becomes perfectly clean, and the need for breathing becomes simply superfluous. If you know physiology, then the body uses breathing only when there is food and water in the body, and there are processes associated with the processing of food and water, as well as the products of its transformation.

If the organism of the pranoed is cleansed to such an extent that all the products of the transformation of food and water are completely removed from the body, then it will stop using the processes of respiration, specifically for breathing, but will continue to use the breath as a nutrient medium, since the body of such a pranoeder still needs to be supplied outside of oxygen and nitrogen. The organism of a prano-eater, as a rule, ceases to use breath as a breath in five to ten years of prano-eating. Now, the pranoed's body uses the breath only for chemosynthesis reasons, but now the skin nourishment starts its awakening, which was ineffective when the pranoed used the breath as nourishment. Skin nutrition is nutrition by electromagnetic radiation of the external environment, which interacts with the electromagnetic radiation of the animal's body, and the biochemical and biophysical processes occurring inside the body of the pranoeder are able to adjust all the necessary processes of the body with the help of electromagnetic radiation, as well as to renew cells, and in particular to carry out growth and development of the organism of the pranoed. Over time, chemosynthesis becomes superfluous for the pranoed, since skin nutrition and photosynthesis become able to fully provide the body of the pranoed with energy, as well as all the necessary nutrients and microelements.
Over time, photosynthesis becomes superfluous for the pranoed, and this happens with the further development of skin nutrition, which, through the biochemical and biophysical processes that occur inside the pranoed's body, begins to fully provide the pranoed's body with energy, as well as all the necessary nutrients and microelements. Now, pranoed, not only does not eat or drink, but also does not breathe, and also does not apply the processes of photosynthesis. We can call such a pranoed, an absolute pranoed. By the way, if the child's mother is an absolute prano-eater, then her child does not need breast milk, and also does not need food, water, respiration, and photosynthesis. This child has an ideally clean body and even in the womb develops its capabilities of skin nutrition, purely physiologically, and during childbirth, he simply does not take the first independent breath, since he does not need to breathe to carry out his life. In fact, all babies do not breathe during the birth process, because breathing is not natural, nor are food and water. But, if the child of a modern mother does not begin to breathe, then naturally death awaits him, since his body is not a pure organism and is not able to do without breathing, as well as without food and water.

Sun eaters, pranoeds

Sun-eater (synonyms: prano-eater, breatharian) - a person who does not eat physical food - he needs only air to live. These are people who are able to transform prana, the energy of sunlight and the Cosmos into life force.

History has recorded many cases of people living for a long time without water and food. Saint Angela of Foligno did not eat or drink for 10 years, Catherine of Siena for 8, Saint Ludwina for 20 years. Teresa Neumann - 30 years old. Seraphim of Sorov stood on a stone in the forest for a thousand nights, crying out to God. Schema-bearers Efimy of the Caves, St. Siluan refused food for a long time. A similar experience of Buddhists and yogis is known. Pralad Jani, an Indian yogi, has gone without food or drink for 70 years. Sri Ratan Manek, an Indian engineer, did not eat anything under the supervision of doctors for 411 days.

There are tens of thousands of followers of the current of sun-eaters around the world. Not so long ago, Russia was visited by one of the most famous supporters of the doctrine of sun-eaters. Ms Jasmuheen has been without food or water for more than 12 years, according to her words. She is the head of the international Movement of the Awakened Society for Good. It is difficult to find her at home, as she is in constant motion: she travels around countries and continents with seminars and lectures. It's hard to believe, but Jasmuheen's main concern is to fight hunger. She believes that the solution to this problem can be very simple - everyone needs to switch to sunlight. Here is a seemingly simple, but at the same time very effective way to deal with a rather pressing problem of our time - hunger. Jasmuhin believes that it is enough for all the starving people to switch to pranic nutrition, and this problem will be solved.

The life of sun-eaters is a real spiritual feat, this is an existence without waste, in harmony with nature and the world, true human without violence, complete superiority over all bestiality in oneself, this is an exit into space into the brotherhood of a higher mind, this is a life worthy of the mind that we all Dan.

Zinaida Baranova
Experience a lifestyle without food and drink

I breathe and receive food through the energy centers (chakras), lungs and skin from the atmosphere. - says Zinaida Baranova. - Do not be surprised. Sunlight carries elementary particles. They can enter into resonance with the particles of the cells of the body and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition.

If a person enters a state of such a resonance, his energy centers begin to work. His microcosm interacts with the macrocosm. Everyone has this ability. But people are so polluted with food, bad deeds and thoughts that this ability is practically lost.

In the early 90s, by chance, the book "Bhagavad-Gita" happened to be in my hands. I then read only a few sheets, I realized that God is energy, and the questions that tormented me: what is God, how can He be everywhere and in everything at the same time, see and know everything, cleared up.

A painstaking systematic work began on comprehending the Gospel. Living at that time in the foothills of the Caucasus in silence and solitude was very beneficial. I read the gospel several times, alternating spiritual labor with various types of physical labor of a rural dweller. At the same time, she mastered A. Klizovsky's Fundamentals of the World Understanding of the New Era, Agni Yoga, books of the Source series.

Active work on myself began in October 1993, when, after reading the "Appeal of the Higher Mind of the Universe to the People of the Earth", I refused meat food. Living on the edge of the forest, I could eat vegetables, fruits, salads from the greenery growing around me almost all year round.

She worked quite thoroughly on herself, "lived through" all the methods for cleansing the body, proposed in Malakhov's book "Heal Yourself", v.1. At the same time, she used the P.K. Ivanov’s hardening-training system: dousing with cold water, walking barefoot from early spring to late autumn, unity with Nature, its Spirits and Angels.

Yes, it was the Spirits of Nature and the Angels who took care of me and, in response to my aspiration to serve people, intensively helped me to improve my health. Energy (space) operations were performed to remove parts of the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, peritoneum, bladder. There was also an energy operation of the heart, after which I stopped feeling deviations from the norm in his work, which had been very disturbing to me before (I was a disabled person of the 2nd group due to the state of the cardiovascular system).

I have full confidence in the Higher guidance and was completely calm, receiving awareness from above about the healing actions on me.

It should be emphasized that recovery was not an end in itself, but was engaged in it in order to have more strength to help people, to carry knowledge about the features of our time, the time of the Fiery Baptism. Many read about him in various spiritual and religious literature. This is the period of the Apocalypse, the Transfiguration, the Transition to the New Age. The period of Fiery baptism by Divine Fire has already begun. We see this in everyday life by a sharp deterioration in the spiritual and physical condition of people, by the aggravation of internal and external conflicts.

I tried to help people, Mother Earth and everything that exists on it with Christian prayers and decrees according to the "Science of the Spoken Word", being a member of the Flame Keepers Community.

She was engaged in spiritual self-education a lot, she drew knowledge from various world teachings and religions.

In the process of my spiritual and physical cleansing, not only the physical, but also the energy bodies were transformed. The seven main chakras intensified their activity, and the ignition of other energy centers began.

The ignition of the pulmonary centers made it possible, on the recommendation from above, to test the water-broth diet. It lasted 40 days in July-August 1997. During the first 14 days, the weight decreased by 7 kg. Then the weight stabilized. During the entire time of such nutrition, the state was cheerful, efficient. At the same time, the transformation of the lungs began, their transmutation.

Three years later, on March 26, 2000, a recommendation was given from above to try to live without food, and on April 18 - without water.

The transition to living without food was familiar to me, and I easily adapted. But waterless existence was difficult: in the cells of the body, deep cleaning began, which was accompanied by vibration throughout the body, weakness, dry mouth as a result of the release of toxins through the salivary glands.

There were also emissions on the skin in the form of peeling and "mosquito bites". This state continued for about a month and a half. Only complete trust in the Teachers gave me strength and endurance.

And one more thing: living without drinking became possible as a result of transmutation - the transformation of the lungs, they gained the ability to assimilate moisture from the air.

Now this is my lifestyle. I'm just sharing my experience with you. And I want to pay special attention to the fact that everyone has this opportunity, but there is no need to specially open centers, nothing needs to be forced. Only the Highest Teachers can determine a person's readiness to take this or that step in transformation. They will see and help...

Baranova's body is absolutely healthy. It is a work that can only be called a miracle. She is 70 years old, she was a disabled person of the 2nd group, but today she is completely healthy. The pressure is 120 to 80, the teeth are in perfect condition, breathing is 2-2.5 times slower than that of ordinary people, the body temperature does not rise to 36 degrees. In addition, an increased content of silicon was noted in the body of Zinaida Grigoryevna - thirty units instead of two standard ones.

In the Scientific and Medical Center of Zelinohrad, Baranova was examined by the general director of the center, kmn Alexander Semeny. According to electromagnetic signals, Baranova's state of health is NORMAL for all 32 measurements. For eight years of work, 5.5 thousand patients were examined. Such health was found only in four.

I was a decrepit old disabled woman with a whole bunch of heart diseases: ischemia, tachycardia, angina pectoris, - says Zinaida Grigoryevna. - In addition, there were problems with vision, tormented by sciatica.

In order to somehow get out, I tried almost all the healing methods: vegetarianism, contrast procedures, hardening. Then she lived on a water-broth diet for 40 days. And, probably, she rose to a fundamentally new level of spiritual development. On March 26, 2000, a voice from above advised me to do without food at all. I tried. After 24 days, the same voice suggested, "Now give up the water." Refused. The first month and a half was the hardest of all, when the initial, most painful and stormy stage of the body's restructuring was going on, - continued Zinaida Grigoryevna. - I then generally barely moved from weakness. Joints ached, strange rashes appeared on the skin. I felt some kind of vibration in my whole body, probably associated with the opening of new energy centers. The internal organs, especially the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, gradually transformed.

My digestive organs are now, as it were, in a conserved state, - says Zinaida Grigoryevna. - They have not atrophied at all and can, if necessary, take and process food. But why? Someone can eat a bull, but only a tiny part of the valuable substances will be absorbed from the meat. I get everything I need directly - from the surrounding space. My energy centers absorb pure energy. And the pores of the skin and the transformed lungs supply the body with the moisture contained in the air. Vital trace elements also come from the air.

Life on the energy of Light
An Interfax Vremya correspondent met researcher Alexander Komarov, who developed his own method of abstaining from food through the stomach and took only 100 grams of food every four days for two years. At the same time, A. Komarov does not look at all emaciated, haggard or excessively thin. According to him, he feels great and is full of energy.

Alexander Viktorovich, does not abstinence from ordinary food contradict human physiology?

No way. On the contrary, the amount in which modern man eats is alien to his physiology. A person has three types of nutrition: through the skin, lungs and stomach. At present, the main type of nutrition is the intake of food through the stomach, then nutrition through the lungs, and only in last place is nutrition through the skin. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Since ancient times, the main type of human nutrition has been the assimilation of food or substances from the outside through the skin, additionally through the lungs, and only lastly through the stomach. Compare people who eat very little and very much. It is well known that in gluttons the organs of the digestive tract are greatly stretched, thickened and deformed.

But despite all the abundance of food eaten, the body absorbs only about 1.5% of the food consumed, the rest is excreted in the form of feces or is a waste that settles in the body. In "little babies" the digestive organs decrease, become more direct, and the food eaten is removed from the intestines after 15-20 minutes. In fact, a person must take food through the stomach in very small quantities, and it can be ensured that all of it is completely absorbed by the body.

What is nutrition through the lungs and skin?

Nutrition through the lungs is the absorption of substances from the air necessary for the purification of our body. Since we introduce a lot of foreign substances through the stomach, the body system tries to remove them. Inhaled oxygen enters the blood and "burns" unnecessary substances, and their "corpses" are removed thanks to the red blood cells produced by the spinal cord.

If the body were absolutely free of toxins, then ideally the production of red bodies would completely stop, and human blood would be only lymph, which has a bluish color.

Nutrition through the skin, one way or another, occurs in modern gluttons, only much less productive than it could be. This type of nutrition can almost completely replace food through the stomach or make it a secondary, "spare". It allows a person to get all the necessary substances from the environment, including water, and, of course, free him from spending on food and cooking.

Perhaps this statement will seem unconvincing, but the fact is that a person, following certain methods, can take food through the stomach hundreds of times less and feel much better.

And yet people are dying of hunger and dehydration...

The transition to nutrition through the skin should not occur abruptly, but gradually. You also need to know the transfer method. People who die of hunger or lack of water do not know how to do this, and since they are deprived of food, they most likely fell into extraordinary conditions. The presence of fear, impending trouble, helplessness take away a huge amount of energy from them, which aggravates their situation.

In our case, a person voluntarily decides to refuse to take food through the stomach, he slowly adapts his body to this. In the first week, he does not eat only half a day, the next week - a day, then - 1.5 days. So gradually comes to the point that he can completely refuse food, only occasionally feeding on water.

The degradation of the digestive organs took place over a long period, and the physical body was transformed into the current nutritional system. Our task is to make the body remember what has been in it since ancient times.

As far as I understand, you did not completely refuse food. For two years, you still ate once every four days, even though the diet was only 100 grams of food ... Why?

The fact is that, switching completely to nutrition through the skin, a person acquires unusual properties. He not only sharpens his eyesight and hearing, he begins to hear other people's thoughts, even his involuntary desires are fulfilled. It is necessary to be very prepared for such opportunities, since, being among people, you can "break a lot of wood." Therefore, having first gone completely without food, I decided to go back and limited myself to a 100-gram meal every four days.

By the way, the leading Indian neurologist Sudrich Shah, who observed the state of health of the starving engineer Manek, does not exclude that in the process of such an adaptation of the body, the frontal lobe of the brain, which is apparently responsible for parapsychic activity, is activated. At the same time, all other parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, medulla oblongata, do not undergo any changes.

How can one explain that sunlight carries all the necessary substances for the active existence of man?

Sunlight and the light of distant stars itself carries systems of paired elementary particles (parapositronium and orthopositronium). These particles can enter into resonance with the particles of the cells of the body and form all the chemical elements necessary for human nutrition. That is, the "factory" exists in the person himself, in the cells of his skin.

In general, there is only one type of food in the Universe. This is a redistribution of matter or energy. All systems with higher energy absorb systems with low energy and thereby increase their mass and energy. So is man. Either he absorbs energy and develops, or loses it and dies. Natural selection takes place and the fittest survive. Man, like all living and non-living systems of the world around us, can develop only with the help of nutrition. Without an increase in mass or energy, there can be no development of systems.

Most people strive to reduce their weight. But in order to live actively, you need energy, which is directly related to body weight...

Man, like any living system of the Universe, is a universal system, which at certain moments can be closed or open. Indeed, without an increase in energy, any system will sooner or later disintegrate. Therefore, when applying various methods, the question should not be about reducing the weight of a person, but about reducing the volume of his physical body (while maintaining weight and, accordingly, energy).

Therefore, we "sun eaters" are not like malnourished people. Dramatically lose your weight - it means "throw out" your energy. The human body should not be loose, but dense, like the body of a small child.

When changing the diet, an imbalance of the internal systems of a person occurs, will this not lead to illness?

With a correct, smooth, non-violent transition to another diet, imbalance does not occur. When we feel pain, illness, we feel the potential difference between the two cell systems of the body, that is, the uneven distribution of energy between them. When nourishing the energy of light through the skin, the energy, on the contrary, levels off. By the way, let's remember yogis and everyone who is engaged in treatment according to oriental methods based on increasing the energy of the chakras.

According to statistics, absolutely all of these people die from cancer. Why is this happening? Chakras - nodes with increased energy - are physiologically located in the human body. The chakras already have high energy (blood vessels and nerve endings thicken in their areas), and people increase it even more with the help of various methods. If the potential difference between certain cells reaches 75%, then the formation of cancer cells begins.

For the treatment of cancer, both massage and radiation are used, which increase the energy of cells. But it is necessary to irradiate not just a diseased area, but neighboring, healthy cells in order to nourish them, that is, to equalize the energy, to reduce the potential between the sick and the healthy. Then the diseased cells will be able to cross the barrier and give their "strength" to other cells, that is, to dissolve.

In such a situation, a person experiences pain in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. It is the same with every other cell in the body. Leveling, smoothing, a general increase in energy is necessary. And skin nutrition is one of the ways to make the body healthy, clean and strong.

Is anyone capable of becoming a "sun eater"?

Physically, yes. If a person has a strong desire, a powerful impulse to action, then he will be able to limit himself in taking food through the stomach and switch to the original, natural for homo sapiens diet. Do not think that "sun eaters" are something extraordinary. Australian Jasmuheen has published a book about her experience in switching to sunlight. The number of its supporters now reaches several thousand people. The technique is not painful for a person, the body wants to return to natural nutrition and will prompt itself when and what to eat and when to abstain from food.

But in developed civilized countries, cooking has always been part of the culture. The transition to solar power will lead to the disappearance of many wonderful traditions ...

No, it is rather a return to the old culture at a new stage of development. Remember Eden, the Garden of Eden, and the bone of contention that brought mankind to its present state. Man has only degraded in the past, moving farther and farther away from the normal state, returning to it only in dreams. And cooking at different times was indeed part of the culture and changed along with the degradation of society.

The significance of all actions in the preparation of food and its reception in ancient times had a different meaning. Cooking according to special rules raised her energy to a higher level. Creating an environment for eating is also raising energy and setting a person up for eating. Prayer before eating is nothing but the concentration of a person. The higher the concentration, the higher the digestibility of food. In ancient times, people ate in very small quantities and much more time was allotted for complete assimilation than now.

People of many ancient cultures enjoyed the process of eating. And now it is more like swallowing on the go a huge amount of a substance that is completely unsuitable for a person, which reduces energy and leads to premature death. Subsequent emptying is an indicator of system overload, excess volume eaten.

Therefore, restriction of nutrition through the stomach naturally leads to an increase in life expectancy. Numerous experiments of various scientific centers around the world confirm this even with simply limited nutrition.

Alexander Komarov