The energy of breaking a chemical bond. chemical bond

Ticket number 10.
1.Characteristics of a chemical bond - energy, length, multiplicity, polarity.
The reason for the formation of a chemical bond.

Chemical bond - a set of interactions of atoms, leading to the formation of stable systems (molecules, complexes, crystals.). It arises if, as a result of the overlapping of e clouds of atoms, the total energy of the system decreases. The measure of strength is the bond energy, which is determined by the work required to break this bond.
Types of chem. bonds: covalent (polar, non-polar, exchange and donor-acceptor), ionic, hydrogen and metallic.
The bond length is the distance between the centers of atoms in a molecule. The energy and length of bonds depend on the nature of the distribution El. density between atoms. The distribution of e density is affected by the spatial orientation of the chemical. connections. If 2-atomic molecules are always linear, then the shapes of polyatomic molecules can be different.
The angle between imaginary lines that can be drawn through the centers of bonded atoms is called the valence angle. The density distribution e also depends on the size of a. and their eo. In homoatomic El. density is evenly distributed. In heteroatomic it is shifted in the direction that contributes to a decrease in the energy of the system.
The binding energy is the energy that is released during the formation of a molecule from single atoms. The binding energy differs from ΔHrev. The heat of formation is the energy that is released or absorbed during the formation of molecules from simple substances. So:

N2 + O2 → 2NO + 677.8 kJ/mol – ∆Harr.

N + O → NO - 89.96 kJ / mol - E St.

The bond multiplicity is determined by the number of electron pairs involved in the bond between atoms. The chemical bond is due to the overlap of electron clouds. If this overlap occurs along the line connecting the nuclei of atoms, then such a bond is called a σ-bond. It can be formed by s - s electrons, p - p electrons, s - p electrons. A chemical bond carried out by one electron pair is called a single bond.
If the bond is formed by more than one pair of electrons, then it is called a multiple.
A multiple bond is formed when there are too few electrons and bonding atoms for each bondable valence orbital of the central atom to overlap with any orbital of the surrounding atom.
Since the p-orbitals are strictly oriented in space, they can overlap only if the p-orbitals of each atom perpendicular to the internuclear axis are parallel to each other. This means that in molecules with a multiple bond there is no rotation around the bond.

If a diatomic molecule consists of atoms of one element, such as the molecules H2, N2, Cl2, etc., then each electron cloud formed by a common pair of electrons and carrying out a covalent bond is distributed in space symmetrically with respect to the nuclei of both atoms. In this case, the covalent bond is called non-polar or homeopolar. If a diatomic molecule consists of atoms of different elements, then the common electron cloud is shifted towards one of the atoms, so that there is an asymmetry in the charge distribution. In such cases, the covalent bond is called polar or heteropolar.

To assess the ability of an atom of a given element to pull a common electron pair towards itself, the value of relative electronegativity is used. The greater the electronegativity of an atom, the stronger it attracts a common electron pair. In other words, when a covalent bond is formed between two atoms of different elements, the common electron cloud shifts to a more electronegative atom, and to a greater extent, the more the electronegativity of the interacting atoms differs. The values ​​of the electronegativity of atoms of some elements in relation to the electronegativity of fluorine, which is taken equal to 4.
Electronegativity naturally changes depending on the position of the element in the periodic system. At the beginning of each period there are elements with the lowest electronegativity - typical metals, at the end of the period (before noble gases) - elements with the highest electronegativity, i.e. typical non-metals.

For elements of the same subgroup, electronegativity tends to decrease with increasing nuclear charge. Thus, the more typical an element is a metal, the lower its electronegativity; the more typical a non-metal an element is, the higher its electronegativity.

The reason for the formation of a chemical bond. Atoms of most chemical elements do not exist individually, as they interact with each other, forming complex particles (molecules, ions and radicals). Electrostatic forces act between atoms, i.e. the force of interaction of electric charges, the carriers of which are electrons and nuclei of atoms. Valence electrons play the main role in the formation of a chemical bond between atoms.
The reasons for the formation of a chemical bond between atoms can be sought in the electrostatic nature of the atom itself. Due to the presence in atoms of spatially separated regions with an electric charge, electrostatic interactions can occur between different atoms that can hold these atoms together.
When a chemical bond is formed, there is a redistribution in space of electron densities that originally belonged to different atoms. Since the electrons of the outer level are the least strongly bound to the nucleus, it is precisely these electrons that play the main role in the formation of a chemical bond. The number of chemical bonds formed by a given atom in a compound is called valency. For this reason, the outer level electrons are called valence electrons.

2.Characteristics of a chemical bond - energy, length, multiplicity, polarity.

The binding energy is the energy that is released during the formation of a molecule from single atoms. The binding energy differs from ΔHrev. The heat of formation is the energy that is released or absorbed during the formation of molecules from simple substances. (The bond energies in molecules consisting of identical atoms decrease in groups from top to bottom)

For diatomic molecules, the bond energy is equal to the dissociation energy taken with the opposite sign: for example, in the F2 molecule, the bond energy between F-F atoms is - 150.6 kJ / mol. For polyatomic molecules with one type of bond, for example, for ABn molecules, the average binding energy is equal to 1/n of the total energy of formation of a compound from atoms. So, the energy of formation of CH4 = -1661.1 kJ / mol.

If more than two different atoms combine in a molecule, then the average binding energy does not coincide with the value of the dissociation energy of the molecule. If different types of bonds are present in a molecule, then each of them can be approximately assigned a certain value of E. This allows one to estimate the energy of formation of a molecule from atoms. For example, the energy of formation of a pentane molecule from carbon and hydrogen atoms can be calculated by the equation:

E = 4EC-C + 12EC-H.

The bond length is the distance between the nuclei of the interacting atoms. A tentative estimate of the bond length can be based on atomic or ionic radii, or from the results of determining the size of molecules using the Avogadro number. So, the volume per one molecule of water: , o

The higher the bond order between atoms, the shorter it is.

Multiplicity: The multiplicity of a bond is determined by the number of electron pairs involved in the bond between atoms. The chemical bond is due to the overlap of electron clouds. If this overlap occurs along the line connecting the nuclei of atoms, then such a bond is called a σ-bond. It can be formed by s - s electrons, p - p electrons, s - p electrons. A chemical bond carried out by one electron pair is called a single bond.

If the bond is formed by more than one pair of electrons, then it is called a multiple.

A multiple bond is formed when there are too few electrons and bonding atoms for each bondable valence orbital of the central atom to overlap with any orbital of the surrounding atom.

Since the p-orbitals are strictly oriented in space, they can overlap only if the p-orbitals of each atom perpendicular to the internuclear axis are parallel to each other. This means that in molecules with a multiple bond there is no rotation around the bond.

Polarity: If a diatomic molecule consists of atoms of one element, such as the molecules H2, N2, Cl2, etc., then each electron cloud formed by a common pair of electrons and carrying out a covalent bond is distributed in space symmetrically with respect to the nuclei of both atoms. In this case, the covalent bond is called non-polar or homeopolar. If a diatomic molecule consists of atoms of different elements, then the common electron cloud is shifted towards one of the atoms, so that there is an asymmetry in the charge distribution. In such cases, the covalent bond is called polar or heteropolar.

To assess the ability of an atom of a given element to pull a common electron pair towards itself, the value of relative electronegativity is used. The greater the electronegativity of an atom, the stronger it attracts a common electron pair. In other words, when a covalent bond is formed between two atoms of different elements, the common electron cloud shifts to a more electronegative atom, and to a greater extent, the more the electronegativity of the interacting atoms differs.

The displacement of the common electron cloud during the formation of a polar covalent bond leads to the fact that the average negative electric charge density is higher near a more electronegative atom and lower near a less electronegative one. As a result, the first atom acquires an excess negative, and the second - an excess positive charge; these charges are usually called the effective charges of the atoms in the molecule.

3. The reason for the formation of a chemical bond is the desire of the atoms of metals and non-metals, through interaction with other atoms, to achieve a more stable electronic structure, similar to the structure of inert gases. There are three main types of bonds: covalent polar, covalent non-polar and ionic.

A covalent bond is called non-polar if the shared electron pair equally belongs to both atoms. A covalent non-polar bond occurs between atoms whose electronegativity is the same (between atoms of the same non-metal), i.e. in simple substances. For example, in the molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, bromine, the bond is covalent non-polar.
A covalent bond is called polar if the shared electron pair is shifted towards one of the elements. A covalent polar bond occurs between atoms whose electronegativity differs, but not much, i.e. in complex substances between atoms of non-metals. For example, in the molecules of water, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, sulfuric acid, the bond is covalent polar.
An ionic bond is a bond between ions, carried out due to the attraction of oppositely charged ions. An ionic bond occurs between atoms of typical metals (the main subgroup of the first and second groups) and atoms of typical non-metals (the main subgroup of the seventh group and oxygen).
4. Chemical balance. Equilibrium constant. Calculation of equilibrium concentrations.
Chemical equilibrium is a state of a chemical system in which one or more chemical reactions reversibly proceed, and the rates in each pair of forward-reverse reactions are equal to each other. For a system in chemical equilibrium, the concentrations of reagents, temperature, and other parameters of the system do not change with time.

A2 + B2 ⇄ 2AB

In a state of equilibrium, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal.

Equilibrium constant - a value that determines for a given chemical reaction the ratio between the starting materials and products in a state of chemical equilibrium. Knowing the equilibrium constant of the reaction, it is possible to calculate the equilibrium composition of the reacting mixture, the limiting yield of products, and determine the direction of the reaction.

Ways of expressing the equilibrium constant:
For a reaction in a mixture of ideal gases, the equilibrium constant can be expressed in terms of the equilibrium partial pressures of the components pi by the formula:

where νi is the stoichiometric coefficient (it is assumed to be negative for initial substances, positive for products). Kp does not depend on the total pressure, on the initial quantities of substances, or on which reaction participants were taken as initial ones, but depends on temperature.

For example, for the oxidation reaction of carbon monoxide:
2CO + O2 = 2CO2

The equilibrium constant can be calculated from the equation:

If the reaction proceeds in an ideal solution and the concentration of the components is expressed in terms of the molarity ci, the equilibrium constant takes the form:

For reactions in a mixture of real gases or in a real solution, fugacity fi and activity ai are used instead of partial pressure and concentration, respectively:

In some cases (depending on the way of expression), the equilibrium constant can be a function not only of temperature, but also of pressure. So, for a reaction in a mixture of ideal gases, the partial pressure of a component can be expressed according to Dalton's law through the total pressure and the mole fraction of the component (), then it is easy to show that:

where Δn is the change in the number of moles of substances during the reaction. It can be seen that Kx depends on the pressure. If the number of moles of reaction products is equal to the number of moles of starting materials (Δn = 0), then Kp = Kx.

is equal to the work that must be expended to divide the molecule into two parts (atoms, groups of atoms) and remove them from each other at an infinite distance. For example, if E. x is considered. With. H 3 C-H in a methane molecule, then such particles are the methyl group CH 3 and the hydrogen atom H, if E. x is considered. With. H-H in a hydrogen molecule, such particles are hydrogen atoms. E. x. With. - a special case of bond energy (See Bond energy) , usually expressed in kJ/mol(kcal/mol); depending on the particles that form a chemical bond (See Chemical bond), the nature of the interaction between them (Covalent bond, Hydrogen bond and other types of chemical bonds), bond multiplicity (for example, double, triple bonds) E. x. With. has a value from 8-10 to 1000 kJ/mol. For a molecule containing two (or more) identical bonds, E. x. With. each bond (the bond breaking energy) and the average bond energy equal to the average value of the bond breaking energy. So, the energy of breaking the HO-H bond in a water molecule, i.e., the thermal effect of the reaction H 2 O = HO + H is 495 kJ/mol H-O bond breaking energy in the hydroxyl group - 435 kJ/mol average E. x. With. equals 465 kJ/mol. The difference between the magnitudes of the rupture energies and the average E. x. With. due to the fact that during partial dissociation (See Dissociation) of a molecule (breaking of one bond), the electronic configuration and the relative position of the atoms remaining in the molecule change, as a result of which their interaction energy changes. The value of E. x. With. depends on the initial energy of the molecule, this fact is sometimes referred to as the dependence of E. x. With. from temperature. Usually E. x. With. are considered for cases when the molecules are in the standard state (See Standard States) or at 0 K. It is these values ​​of E. ch. With. usually listed in reference books. E. x. With. - an important characteristic that determines the reactivity (See Reactivity) substances and used in thermodynamic and kinetic calculations of chemical reactions (See Chemical reactions). E. x. With. can be indirectly determined from calorimetric measurements (see Thermochemistry) , by calculation (see Quantum Chemistry) , as well as using mass spectroscopy (See mass spectroscopy) and spectral analysis (See spectral analysis).

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Bond energy is the energy required to break a chemical bond. The energies of breaking and forming a bond are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. The greater the chemical bond energy, the more stable the molecule. The binding energy is usually measured in kJ/mol.

For polyatomic compounds with bonds of the same type, its average value is taken as the bond energy, calculated by dividing the energy of formation of a compound from atoms by the number of bonds. So, 432.1 kJ / mol is spent on breaking the H–H bond, and 1648 kJ / ∙ mol is spent on breaking four bonds in a methane CH 4 molecule, and in this case E C–H \u003d 1648: 4 \u003d 412 kJ / mol.

The bond length is the distance between the nuclei of interacting atoms in a molecule. It depends on the size of the electron shells and the degree of their overlap.

Bond polarity is the distribution of electrical charge between atoms in a molecule.

If the electronegativity of the atoms involved in the formation of the bond is the same, then the bond will be non-polar, and in the case of different electronegativity - polar. The extreme case of a polar bond, when the shared electron pair is almost completely biased towards the more electronegative element, results in an ionic bond.

For example: H–H is non-polar, H–Cl is polar and Na + –Cl - is ionic.

It is necessary to distinguish between the polarities of individual bonds and the polarity of the molecule as a whole.

Molecule polarity is the vector sum of the dipole moments of all the bonds of the molecule.

For example:

1) The linear CO 2 molecule (O=C=O) is non-polar - the dipole moments of the polar C=O bonds compensate each other.

2) The water molecule is polar– dipole moments of two О-Н bonds do not compensate each other.

Spatial structure of molecules determined by the shape and location in space of electron clouds.

Bond order is the number of chemical bonds between two atoms.

For example, the bond order in H 2 , O 2 and N 2 molecules is 1, 2 and 3, respectively, since the bond in these cases is formed due to the overlap of one, two and three pairs of electron clouds.

4.1. covalent bond is a bond between two atoms through a common electron pair.

The number of chemical bonds is determined by the valencies of the elements.

The valency of an element is the number of orbitals that take part in the formation of bonds.

Covalent non-polar bond - this bond is carried out due to the formation of electron pairs between atoms with equal electronegativity. For example, H 2, O 2, N 2, Cl 2, etc.

A covalent polar bond is a bond between atoms with different electronegativity.

For example, HCl, H 2 S, PH 3, etc.

A covalent bond has the following properties:

1) Saturation- the ability of an atom to form as many bonds as it has valences.

2) Orientation– the electron clouds overlap in the direction that provides the maximum overlap density.

4.2. An ionic bond is a bond between oppositely charged ions.

This is an extreme case of a covalent polar bond and occurs when there is a large difference in the electronegativity of the interacting atoms. The ionic bond does not have directionality and saturation.

The oxidation state is the conditional charge of an atom in a compound, based on the assumption that the bonds are completely ionized.

Lecture for teachers

A chemical bond (hereinafter referred to as a bond) can be defined as the interaction of two or more atoms, as a result of which a chemically stable polyatomic microsystem (molecule, crystal, complex, etc.) is formed.

The doctrine of bonding occupies a central place in modern chemistry, since chemistry as such begins where an isolated atom ends and a molecule begins. In essence, all the properties of substances are due to the peculiarities of the bonds in them. The main difference between a chemical bond and other types of interaction between atoms is that its formation is determined by a change in the state of electrons in a molecule compared to the initial atoms.

Communication theory should provide answers to a number of questions. Why are molecules formed? Why do some atoms interact and others don't? Why do atoms combine in certain ratios? Why are atoms arranged in space in a certain way? And finally, it is necessary to calculate the bond energy, its length and other quantitative characteristics. The correspondence of theoretical ideas to experimental data should be considered as a criterion for the truth of a theory.

There are two main methods of describing the relationship that allow you to answer the questions posed. These are the methods of valence bonds (BC) and molecular orbitals (MO). The first one is more clear and simple. The second is more strict and universal. For reasons of greater clarity, the focus here will be on the VS method.

Quantum mechanics makes it possible to describe communication based on the most general laws. Although there are five types of bonds (covalent, ionic, metallic, hydrogen and intermolecular bonds), the bond is one in nature, and the differences between its types are relative. The essence of communication is in the Coulomb interaction, in the unity of opposites - attraction and repulsion. The division of communication into types and the difference in the methods of its description indicates rather than the diversity of communication, but the lack of knowledge about it at the present stage of development of science.

This lecture will cover material related to topics such as chemical bond energy, quantum mechanical model of a covalent bond, exchange and donor-acceptor mechanisms for the formation of a covalent bond, excitation of atoms, bond multiplicity, hybridization of atomic orbitals, electronegativity of elements and polarity of a covalent bond , the concept of the method of molecular orbitals, chemical bonding in crystals.

Chemical bond energy

According to the principle of least energy, the internal energy of a molecule, compared with the sum of the internal energies of its constituent atoms, must decrease. The internal energy of a molecule includes the sum of the interaction energies of each electron with each nucleus, each electron with each other electron, each nucleus with each other nucleus. Attraction must prevail over repulsion.

The most important characteristic of a bond is the energy that determines its strength. The measure of bond strength can be both the amount of energy expended on breaking it (bond dissociation energy) and the value that, when summed over all bonds, gives the energy of formation of a molecule from elementary atoms. The bond breaking energy is always positive. The bond formation energy is the same in magnitude, but has a negative sign.

For a diatomic molecule, the binding energy is numerically equal to the energy of dissociation of the molecule into atoms and the energy of formation of the molecule from atoms. For example, the binding energy in the HBr molecule is equal to the amount of energy released in the process H + Br = HBr. Obviously, the binding energy of HBr is greater than the amount of energy released during the formation of HBr from gaseous molecular hydrogen and liquid bromine:

1 / 2H 2 (g.) + 1 / 2Br 2 (l.) \u003d HBr (g.),

to the value of the evaporation energy of 1/2 mol Br 2 and to the values ​​of the decomposition energies of 1/2 mol H 2 and 1/2 mol Br 2 into free atoms.

Quantum-mechanical model of a covalent bond by the method of valence bonds on the example of a hydrogen molecule

In 1927, the Schrödinger equation was solved for the hydrogen molecule by the German physicists W. Heitler and F. London. This was the first successful attempt to apply quantum mechanics to solving communication problems. Their work laid the foundations for the method of valence bonds, or valence schemes (VS).

The calculation results can be represented graphically as dependences of the forces of interaction between atoms (Fig. 1, a) and the energy of the system (Fig. 1, b) on the distance between the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. The nucleus of one of the hydrogen atoms will be placed at the origin of coordinates, and the nucleus of the second will be brought closer to the nucleus of the first hydrogen atom along the abscissa axis. If the electron spins are antiparallel, the forces of attraction (see Fig. 1, a, curve I) and repulsive forces (curve II) will increase. The resultant of these forces is represented by curve III. At first, attractive forces prevail, then repulsive ones. When the distance between the nuclei becomes equal to r 0 = 0.074 nm, the attractive force is balanced by the repulsive force. The balance of forces corresponds to the minimum energy of the system (see Fig. 1b, curve IV) and, consequently, the most stable state. The depth of the “potential well” represents the binding energy E 0 H–H in the H 2 molecule at absolute zero. It is 458 kJ/mol. However, at real temperatures, bond breaking requires a slightly lower energy E H–H, which at 298 K (25 °C) is 435 kJ/mol. The difference between these energies in the H2 molecule is the energy of vibrations of hydrogen atoms (E col = E 0 H–H – E H–H = 458 – 435 = 23 kJ/mol).

Rice. 1. Dependence of the interaction forces of atoms (a) and the energy of the system (b)
on the distance between the nuclei of atoms in the H 2 molecule

When two hydrogen atoms containing electrons with parallel spins approach each other, the energy of the system constantly increases (see Fig. 1b, curve V) and no bond is formed.

Thus, the quantum mechanical calculation gave a quantitative explanation of the relationship. If a pair of electrons has opposite spins, the electrons move in the field of both nuclei. An area with a high density of an electron cloud appears between the nuclei - an excess negative charge that pulls together positively charged nuclei. From the quantum mechanical calculation, the provisions that are the basis of the VS method follow:

1. The reason for the connection is the electrostatic interaction of nuclei and electrons.
2. The bond is formed by an electron pair with antiparallel spins.
3. Bond saturation is due to the formation of electron pairs.
4. The bond strength is proportional to the degree of electron cloud overlap.
5. The directionality of the connection is due to the overlap of electron clouds in the region of maximum electron density.

Exchange mechanism for the formation of a covalent bond by the VS method. Directionality and saturation of a covalent bond

One of the most important concepts of the VS method is valency. The numerical value of valency in the VS method is determined by the number of covalent bonds that an atom forms with other atoms.

The mechanism of formation of a bond by a pair of electrons with antiparallel spins, which belonged to different atoms before the formation of the bond, considered for the H 2 molecule, is called the exchange mechanism. If only the exchange mechanism is taken into account, the valency of an atom is determined by the number of its unpaired electrons.

For molecules more complex than H 2 , the calculation principles remain unchanged. The formation of a bond leads to the interaction of a pair of electrons with opposite spins, but with wave functions of the same sign, which are summed up. The result of this is an increase in the electron density in the region of overlapping electron clouds and contraction of the nuclei. Consider examples.

In the fluorine molecule F 2, the bond is formed by 2p orbitals of fluorine atoms:

The highest density of the electron cloud is near the 2p orbital in the direction of the symmetry axis. If the unpaired electrons of fluorine atoms are in 2p x orbitals, the bond is carried out in the direction of the x axis (Fig. 2). On the 2p y - and 2p z -orbitals there are unshared electron pairs that do not participate in the formation of bonds (shaded in Fig. 2). In what follows, we will not depict such orbitals.

Rice. 2. Formation of the F 2 molecule

In the hydrogen fluoride molecule, the HF bond is formed by the 1s orbital of the hydrogen atom and the 2p x orbital of the fluorine atom:

The direction of the bond in this molecule is determined by the orientation of the 2px orbital of the fluorine atom (Fig. 3). The overlap occurs in the direction of the x axis of symmetry. Any other variant of overlapping is energetically less favorable.

Rice. 3. Formation of the HF molecule

More complex d- and f-orbitals are also characterized by directions of maximum electron density along their symmetry axes.

Thus, directionality is one of the main properties of a covalent bond.

The directionality of the bond is well illustrated by the example of a hydrogen sulfide H 2 S molecule:

Since the symmetry axes of the valence 3p orbitals of the sulfur atom are mutually perpendicular, it should be expected that the H2S molecule should have a corner structure with an angle between the S–H bonds of 90° (Fig. 4). Indeed, the angle is close to the calculated one and is equal to 92°.

Rice. 4. Formation of the H 2 S molecule

Obviously, the number of covalent bonds cannot exceed the number of bonding electron pairs. However, saturation as a property of a covalent bond also means that if an atom has a certain number of unpaired electrons, then all of them must participate in the formation of covalent bonds.

This property is explained by the principle of least energy. With the formation of each additional bond, additional energy is released. Therefore, all valence possibilities are fully realized.

Indeed, the H 2 S molecule is stable, not HS, where there is an unrealized bond (an unpaired electron is denoted by a dot). Particles containing unpaired electrons are called free radicals. They are extremely reactive and react to form compounds containing saturated bonds.

Atom excitation

Let us consider the valence possibilities according to the exchange mechanism of some elements of the 2nd and 3rd periods of the periodic system.

The beryllium atom at the outer quantum level contains two paired 2s electrons. There are no unpaired electrons, so beryllium must have zero valence. However, in compounds it is divalent. This can be explained by the excitation of the atom, which consists in the transition of one of the two 2s electrons to the 2p sublevel:

In this case, the excitation energy E* corresponding to the difference between the energies of the 2p and 2s sublevels is expended.

When a boron atom is excited, its valency increases from 1 to 3:

and at the carbon atom - from 2 to 4:

At first glance, it may seem that excitation contradicts the principle of least energy. However, as a result of excitation, new, additional bonds arise, due to which energy is released. If this additional energy released is greater than the energy expended on the excitation, the principle of least energy is ultimately satisfied. For example, in a CH 4 methane molecule, the average C–H bond energy is 413 kJ/mol. The energy expended on excitation is E* = 402 kJ/mol. The energy gain due to the formation of two additional bonds will be:

D E \u003d E additional light - E * \u003d 2 413 - 402 \u003d 424 kJ / mol.

If the principle of least energy is not respected, i.e. E adm.< Е*, то возбуждение не происходит. Так, энергетически невыгодным оказывается возбуждение атомов элементов 2-го периода за счет перехода электронов со второго на третий квантовый уровень.

For example, oxygen is only divalent for this reason. However, the electronic analogue of oxygen - sulfur - has large valence capabilities, since there is a 3d sublevel at the third quantum level, and the energy difference between the 3s-, 3p- and 3d-sublevels is incomparably less than between the second and third quantum levels of the oxygen atom:

For the same reason, the elements of the 3rd period - phosphorus and chlorine - exhibit variable valence, in contrast to their electronic counterparts in the 2nd period - nitrogen and fluorine. Excitation to the corresponding sublevel can explain the formation of chemical compounds of elements of group VIIIa of the 3rd and subsequent periods. In helium and neon (1st and 2nd periods), which have a completed external quantum level, no chemical compounds have been found, and only they are truly inert gases.

Donor-acceptor mechanism of covalent bond formation

A pair of electrons with antiparallel spins that form a bond can be obtained not only by an exchange mechanism involving the participation of electrons from both atoms, but also by another mechanism, called a donor-acceptor mechanism: one atom (donor) provides an unshared pair of electrons for bond formation, and the other (acceptor) – a vacant quantum cell:

The result for both mechanisms is the same. Often, bond formation can be explained by both mechanisms. For example, the HF molecule can be obtained not only in the gas phase from atoms by the exchange mechanism, as shown above (see Fig. 3), but also in an aqueous solution from H + and F ions by the donor-acceptor mechanism:

Without a doubt, molecules produced by different mechanisms are indistinguishable; connections are completely equal. Therefore, it is more correct not to single out the donor-acceptor interaction as a special type of bond, but to consider it only as a special mechanism for the formation of a covalent bond.

When they want to emphasize the mechanism of bond formation precisely according to the donor-acceptor mechanism, it is denoted in the structural formulas by an arrow from the donor to the acceptor (D® BUT). In other cases, such a bond is not distinguished and is indicated by a dash, as in the case of the exchange mechanism: D–A.

Bonds in the ammonium ion formed by the reaction: NH 3 + H + \u003d NH 4 +,

are expressed in the following way:

The structural formula NH 4 + can be represented as


The second form of notation is preferable, since it reflects the experimentally established equivalence of all four bonds.

The formation of a chemical bond by the donor-acceptor mechanism expands the valence capabilities of atoms: valency is determined not only by the number of unpaired electrons, but also by the number of unshared electron pairs and vacant quantum cells involved in the formation of bonds. So, in the above example, the valency of nitrogen is four.

The donor-acceptor mechanism has been successfully used to describe the bond in complex compounds by the VS method.

Communication multiplicity. s- and p-bonds

The bond between two atoms can be carried out not only by one, but also by several electron pairs. It is the number of these electron pairs that determines the multiplicity in the VS method - one of the properties of a covalent bond. For example, in an ethane molecule C 2 H 6, the bond between carbon atoms is single (single), in an ethylene molecule C 2 H 4 it is double, and in an acetylene molecule C 2 H 2 it is triple. Some characteristics of these molecules are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Changes in bond parameters between C atoms depending on its multiplicity

As the bond multiplicity increases, as expected, its length decreases. The multiplicity of the bond increases discretely, i.e., by an integer number of times, therefore, if all bonds were the same, the energy would also increase by the corresponding number of times. However, as can be seen from Table. 1, the binding energy grows less intensively than the multiplicity. Therefore, the connections are unequal. This can be explained by the difference in the geometric ways in which the orbitals overlap. Let's consider these differences.

The bond formed by the overlapping of electron clouds along an axis passing through the nuclei of atoms is called s-bond.

If an s-orbital is involved in the bond, then only s -connection (Fig. 5, a, b, c). From here it got its name, because the Greek letter s is a synonym for the Latin s.

With the participation of p-orbitals (Fig. 5, b, d, e) and d-orbitals (Fig. 5, c, e, f) in bond formation, the s-type overlap occurs in the direction of the highest density of electron clouds, which is the most energetically favorable. Therefore, when a connection is formed, this method is always implemented first. Therefore, if the bond is single, then it must be s -connection, if multiple, then one of the connections is sure to s-bond.

Rice. 5. Examples of s-bonds

However, it is clear from geometric considerations that there can be only one between two atoms. s -connection. In multiple bonds, the second and third bonds must be formed by a different geometric way of overlapping electron clouds.

The bond formed by the overlapping of electron clouds on either side of an axis passing through the nuclei of atoms is called p-bond. Examples p -connections are shown in fig. 6. Such an overlap is energetically less favorable than according to s -type. It is carried out by peripheral parts of electron clouds with a lower electron density. An increase in the multiplicity of the connection means the formation p bonds that have less energy than s -communication. This is the reason for the non-linear increase in the binding energy in comparison with the increase in the multiplicity.

Rice. 6. Examples of p-bonds

Consider the formation of bonds in the N 2 molecule. As is known, molecular nitrogen is chemically very inert. The reason for this is the formation of a very strong NєN triple bond:

The scheme of overlapping electron clouds is shown in fig. 7. One of the bonds (2px–2px) is formed according to the s-type. The other two (2рz–2рz, 2рy–2рy) are p-type. In order not to clutter up the figure, the image of the overlapping 2py clouds is rendered separately (Fig. 7b). To get a general picture, Fig. 7a and 7b should be combined.

At first glance, it might seem that s -bond, limiting the approach of atoms, does not allow overlapping orbitals in p -type. However, the image of the orbital includes only a certain fraction (90%) of the electron cloud. Overlapping occurs with a peripheral area outside such an image. If we imagine orbitals that include a large fraction of the electron cloud (for example, 95%), then their overlap becomes obvious (see the dashed lines in Fig. 7a).

Rice. 7. Formation of the N 2 molecule

To be continued

V.I. Elfimov,
professor of the Moscow
state open university

In which one mole of a given bond breaks. It is assumed that the initial substance and reaction products are in their standard states of a hypothetical ideal gas at a pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 25 0 C. Synonyms for the breaking energy of a chemical bond are: bond energy, dissociation energy of diatomic molecules, chemical bond formation energy.

The breaking energy of a chemical bond can be defined in different ways, for example

From mass spectroscopic data (mass spectrometry).

The breaking energy of chemical bonds in various compounds is reflected in the reference book.

The breaking energy of chemical bonds characterizes the strength of a chemical bond.

Compound Compound Bond breaking energy, kcal/mol
H-H 104,2 CH3-H 104
HO-H 119 CH 3 CH 2 -H 98
CH 3 O-H 102 (CH 3) 2 CH-H 94,5
C 6 H 5 O-H 85 (CH 3) 3 C-H 91
F-H 135,8 C 6 H 5 -H 103
Cl-H 103,0 CH 2 \u003d CH-H 103
Br-H 87,5 HC≡C-H 125
I-H 71,3 H 2 N-H 103

The energy of breaking the C-C bond.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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